I love this view, I may have mentioned this! Its a bit dark isnt it? why were we up early the day after our wedding anniversary???

this is why!!! another early morning swim, and this time I mastered using my camera phone in its waterproof pouch! some are a bit blurry but its not too shabby!Mark is now full converted! I dont think he will ever do it as much as me, he has enough of his own outdoors stuff to do but he does love it and will join me as much as he can.
Below he is setting up to video us!
I seemed to get a lot of pictures of my legs! But I am happy with that!
Fair to say we both loved it!
Mark had taken his bike with himand wanted to cycle around the island so I decided to pootle around myself.
Took myself off to Port Ramsey which sounds big but in reality is a small line of about 6-8 houses
We kept on seeing these cows, they would walk across to the Island via a causeway when the tide was low. Here they are making their way back, I assume they must know the tides really well!
We saw two trios of collie dogs on the Island and one was here at Port Ramsey but they didnt appear this time, shame, they were very cute
I walked along by the shore as far as I could
but then the path ran out so I pootled back home again

We kept on seeing these cows, they would walk across to the Island via a causeway when the tide was low. Here they are making their way back, I assume they must know the tides really well!
We saw two trios of collie dogs on the Island and one was here at Port Ramsey but they didnt appear this time, shame, they were very cute
I walked along by the shore as far as I could

In the evening I went back out and had a quick walk at the other end of the cottage, there was a beach down there which we had thought about swimming in but didnt as it was just a bit too far from the cottage

Last full day and it was lovely, but all holidays come to an end and thats fine, because I get to come back home with my Scoobs and that is rather wonderful
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