Tuesday 16 April 2024

Florence 2024 day 2

So farewell dinky but slightly spooky hotel,  you did the job, even though i got annoyed with the unecessary high tech stuff
😱😱😱 cmon!!!!
OK I eventually got on the flight we were delayed by about 30 mins then another 20 mins while a poor lass who had a boarding pass had to stand-up front because they had double booked her and she wasn't on the manifest ... eventually they got her sorted ! Plane took off about an hour late that's OK we got to Florence airspace and started to descend but at the last minute he pulled up 🤔🤔🤔
He came over the tannoy the tail winds were too fierce so he was diverting us to Pisa 🤦‍♀️ you could not make it up 🤣
Landed eventually and they said they would lay on a bus but it would take an hour to organise plus it was going to Florence airport I wanted to get into Florence, so I hot footed it to the train station got a lovely wee train and probably got into Florence at the same time folks would have been boarding bus in Pisa!
What a palaver! But nice train ride
In my excitement I almost got off at the wrong station in Florence 🤣🤣
Anyhow I'm in Florence 🎉🎉🎉

I have to rethink all my plans now! Hey ho I'm here that's the main thing, found my hotel run by nuns! Lovely room not an ipad in sight 😊

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