Tuesday 31 January 2023

January furtle

 January got off to a great start with a lovely sewing day at Killearn. What beautiful skies! And a fab day of sewing chatting and putting the world to rights.

we also spent a lovely few days looking after this wee chap! Rocky, a lovely cretan hound, a super wee soul who was no problem to look after. 
So! what has been going on crafting wise? I kicked off with this friendship postcard for the Glasgow Modern Quilt guild, my partner was Carol Wilkie a dear chum so I loved making this for her. The mini balloons are from the Sarah Ashford pattern, I love any chance to make these they are super fun!

I took fettling the finishes very seriously! I have been trying to line things up in order. I have had these charm packs burning a hole in my stash for a while so they were next up! 

We have been getting out and about more with the weather getting better, had a visit to this mysterious blue pool.
use 136 for wonderclips! keeping your annoying fringe out of your face 🤣
I signed up to the most recent quiet play BOM - Under the sea. I have had a bit of a disaster with the backing fabric so needed a plan B, am going to use the hungarian blue fabric I have in my stash, love these anchors!
Dear Jane continues slowly ....... but its going in the right direction at least.
I am now allllllll about the SALs 🤣 this is my most recent block in the Riley Blake challenge, Im using all batiks, quite like the effect.

OMG loooooook at my tin!!!!!! How adorable is this!!!! I saw a chum in Australian post about this on insta, I tracked it down and its from a UK company - Grandma Wilds. So when I saw they had it back in stock I had to buy it.
I think I am going to do a tin inventory, and also I may have too much time on my hands!
A wall of fair isle! how lovely, a great visit to The Dovecot for the exhibition From Chanel to Westwood
Aww and here he is! My scoobs doing what he does best 😊 a bumper crop from the charm packs! And look at the bear backing!!! OMG just the best a duvet cover from IKEA, Must get some more.

oh and we just squeaked in to see Turner in January, this is my favourite.
And I saw these lovely chaps on the way home - bonus!
Ahhhhhhhh this is a bit of a sad tale still to be resolved .... I bought seven meters of blue Lawn fabric for the background for the under the sea BOM, I originally wanted to do it in liberty.
As per instructions I pre washed at 40 degrees ..... it ran .... a lot ..... Washed again more colour catchers, still ran. Contacted shop they said try again, I did, probably 7 or 8 times 3 colour catchers each time. These are the colour catchers. I am now in dispute with the shop, they have offered 20 percent refund, I said no I need full refund, this fabric is un usable. They say i am the only one to have this problem ... Thats not the point I have this problem and need it fixed! so it rages on, it is now in the hands of paypal, maybe feb furtle will have an update!

This is what I am working on this weekend! I got a bundle of Melody Miller playtime ages ago to make a charity quilt. I knew early on I wanted to do the Lucy Engles pattern - One more cup of coffee with it. It reached the top of the list so here we are! wont be done for January but hey february is another matter!

It's been pressed trimmed almost there! 
I deemed January "dystopian Sci fi" film month. Not sure what theme (if any?) I'll choose for feb, Soylent green is in my top 20 of all time films, so it felt right to have it as my last film for January. I'm very conflicted about this one for many reasons (eye watering 70s misogyny....) but its still a classic and worth it to see Edward G Robinsons last (and fantastic) performance. 
See you next month!


  1. What a month! I love that balloon postcard, such a great idea. And the new tin and wee quilts and new blocks are all gorgeous. That Liberty fabric is ridiculous, though, and a 20% refund is not enough, I hope it gets resolved soon. (Apart from anything else, think of all the money you’ve spent washing the blinking stuff! It’s like my navy fleece all over again!) Have you considered using the ‘Save my bleeding quilt’ protocol which Dawny uses? https://www.colorwaysbyvicki.com/save-my-bleeding-quilt.html#/ It might be worth a go? (But still pursue the refund, even if it does because that fabric is not fit for purpose.) Thanks for Furtling! (And Fettling!) And hooray for finishes *waves pompoms*

    P.S. Is it my tablet or have you had a wee blog revamp too?

  2. Oh what a great read about bleeding fabric will give that a try, it wasn't liberty fabric which bled it was a generic lawn, I wanted to use it as background material to go with liberty but then had to go to plan b, should hear in a week or so the outcome fingers crossed!
    I adore the mini balloons and want to make so many more! I haven't changed the blog but was thinking about a refresh!
