Sunday, 30 June 2024

Storygraph June 2024

Ah yes June was a good month for reading! 8 books! Canticle for Liebowitz, I loved the radio play, the book was as good which I know is back to front but I've heard the radio play so much it's embedded in my mind, dystopian future society plot but well written and i loved the characters. Salt Lane by William Shaw, I love this series I think I have them all, must get back to them, police procedural but well written and engaging. Minstrel malady, should have been right up my street but a but meh? Ok but not amazing. Recovery of Rose Gold, nope didn't take to it, didnt like any of the characters,  good plot but just didnt gel with me. Bacchanal , this had so much promise but just felt very underdeveloped, especially in the later stages it just felt as if it lost its way. The rookery, I've got the Penny Green boxset, they are engaging enough but not my ultimate favourite but are OK. The Maids secret, yes I preferred this one in the Penny Green series, plot licked along nicely, I must rate my books more.  City of ghosts, yes again this is OK, it's not as good as Sam Eastland Inspector Peckala series but it's fine, might get more of the audio books

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