Wednesday 5 June 2024


Please don't scroll down if you don't want to see pictures of mangled cars 😬😬😬 but I need to process this and writing down here is a good way to do that
We can start off with the lovely pictures of flowers I was given by a gorgeous swimming chum and Marks work

So, I need to process this and writing down is a good way to process things especially trauma. I went for a lovely lovely dook on tuesday morning at 7am great way to start the day, I was driving back home and had only got a small way out of Linlithgow when I saw a car in front of me was stopped and turning right, I started breaking in plenty time but the van behind me didnt. He smacked right into the back of me and shunted me into car in front. I clipped the car which was shunted across the road (according to eye witness) my car was flipped onto its side and travelled along the verge a few feet before coming to a stop. I was hanging sideways from my seat belt. I remember thinking as I flipped over "S**t this is bad" 
Immediately a lovely lovely man came across (turned out he had been travelling to work and was on the other side, he almost got hit by the car in front of me) by all  miracles he was a first responder, what are the chances of that?
He was brilliant, got me to wind down my window at the same time I was moving all limbs etc to assess damage - What damage? there wasnt any, a graze on my ankle (which has now swollen up a little bit) but that was it, I simply couldnt believe it and if you do look at the pictures below you will see why I cant believe it. People were so kind a lovely woman who also witnessed the accident stood and smiled in the pouring rain and waved at me through the window, the man who was the first repsonder had a great chat and blether with me to keep my spirits up. After a while I was getting quite sore with the hanging on the seatbelt so I decided to try and undo it. I did manage that and lowered myself down onto the passenger window and stayed there until the rescue services turned up, one of the paramedics said I was like a meerkat popping up when he first came! The other thing which totally blew my mind was that my car called the emergency services .... yes let that sink in, my car called the emergency services when it sensed an impact .... the paramedics had all my details etc before they arrived .... incredible
The fire service decided how to take me out, they first wanted to take me out the windscreen but then thought it might be jagged and cut me, they then decided to take me out the boot, i crawled to the back then one of them hoiked me under the arms and pulled me out, he wanted one of them to take my legs but i said no, i can walk so they let me.
A lovely paramedic student (from QMU no less!) walked me to the ambulance for the paramedics to look me over. They were lovely and so much fun, very professional but also a great laugh, which was exactly what i needed. No major damage was confirmed, slight swelling on ankle and sore left shoulder and neck, seriously I have had worse neck pain after a day sewing ....
the police questioned and breathalysed me, naturally I was clear, 0 on the breath test! I phoned Mark while I was in the ambulance, poor soul he was alsmot as traumatised as me, he came to pick me up, I saw him arrive when i was with the police, the ambulance men  came out and spoke to him and reassured him I was ok. He took me home. the van driver was there he looked at me and mouthed "are you ok?" poor chap looked really traumatised, OK it was his fault but hey who is perfect we all mess up and yes could have been far worse but it wasnt ... I mouthed back I was ok and asked if he was, yes he was ok too, but I learned he got a fixed penalty at the roadside. I hope his job is ok, he was driving a works van.
I put up on the swimming group chat about it as the chum i had been dipping with put up about our swim, I had the pictures, I knew it would look strange if I didnt put something up.
they were so so wonderful, within an hour one of them came round with flowers and to see i was ok and have a chat. So many offers of help, one of them put up that there had been a lot of chat on the local facebook pages about the accident saying "it was a bad one" she was able to put up that I was ok and walked away unharmed, folks who had seen it couldnt believe it ... neither could I when I saw the pictures below.
His work were so nice too and sent me flowers. I know I am still in shock about it and thats ok, this will come out when it is ready too but yes someone was looking over me that day.
Car is a write off and I am waiting to hear what happens with it but the garage are looking for another similar one for me. Poor Mark he cried and said "I almost lost you" yes but I am still here and flipping heck so so grateful for it.
The thing I take away from this?
People are so nice and wonderful when the chips are down, let that be my take away.

Update! Well I think 🤞🤞 this saga might be at an end .... eventually today 14th August we picked up new car
It's been horrific,  there was a mess up between insurance and finance comp with one saying they had paid off finance the other saying they hadn't received it ... this went on for weeks and weeks. In the meantime I came down with Covid and had to deal with all that cak as well .... today I felt ok enough to go pick up our new car, car penguin eventually has a home ♥️♥️♥️

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