Sunday 30 June 2024

June furtle

 Well despite June being a truly awful month (started off with car crash, finished off with both of us coming down with covid ...) I still seemed to have ticked off a few furtling type activities! All three of these quilts were technically finished in May but weather was so awful I couldnt get them photographed

Above is a string quilt I started which uses up all the black 1" sashing I ripped out from the Dear Jane blocks a while back, it also used up a whole load of scraps which is also satisfying!
Above is my selvedge quilt! a quilt 15 years in the making ..... I had so much fun making this and boy what a trip down memory lane seeing all those sashings some from many years ago
Above is my fabric marbling quilt again for me another quilt which was many years in the making but again so much fun!!!!

So! here is a progress update on the tiny 9 patch quilt, it has progressed to a full quilt top now but Im too shattered to take a picture of that so it will need to wait until July ๐Ÿ˜Š I was merrily cranking out the 9 patches when I realised that because I was making a bigger size of patch I didnt need as many! good job I stopped where i did! The background is blush pink lawn fabric
Its not all been sewing quite a lot of embroidery going on too, above is my paisley mandala from Carina Craft blog done in varigated threads, I did love making this, I love mandala, I love paisley and I love everything Carina puts out ๐Ÿ˜ŠThis was done on a lovely Liberty Louden print
Below are the first 3 out of 12 tiny trees, patterns by Victoria Sampler, these will be paired with my monthly temperature embroideries from 2023

And thats it for June! Linking up to Archie the Wonder dogs monthly furtle


  1. So many gorgeous finishes and lovely progress! Hooray for finishes and the fettling of them *waves pompoms* Thanks for Furtling!

  2. Love those quilts. What do you do with them when finished? xx

    1. Thank you most of my quilt go to charity, larger ones go to Siblings together x

  3. Love the quilts in this month's Furtle. Well done. Love all the embroidery going on. That Manadala is lovely!

    1. Thank you! The mandala was such fun to stitch
