Sunday 16 June 2024

Rainbow paisley mandala

 We have a finish!! An embroidery finish 😊 

The pattern is rainbow paisley mandala by Carina craft blog.
I love Carinas patterns and this was no exception.  
One thing this did cement was that I find it really difficult using solvy, it's great to print out onto etc but the extra layer makes it really more challenging to pull the needle and thread through.
This will go into this year's embroidery book 😊

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Jupiter Artland 2024

 Just what was needed, a beautiful afternoon at Jupiter Artland, what a gorgeous location 

This was the real reading I was here I had booked a swimming session at the Joanna Vasconcelos swimming pool
Bonus was that I was the only one booked in! I got half an hour all to myself 😊

Wednesday 5 June 2024

marbling fabric

This post was started in the 17th August 2020, let's not get it to it's 4th birthday still in draft form!
I must have done the first batch of fabrics on February 2018!! That was the date on the floatation liquid bottle I used ... then i must have done some more in August 2020 so this is my oldest WIP by far!!! Let's get it off the list 😊
This is on my finish along list! (Now fettling list! This is how.old this qip is!)  I had great fun with this, just love doing this but it is a little bit of a faff to set up.

Ive said it before and will no doubt say it again! organisation is key 😊
Blocks drying

I do love this one!

I had 2 choices for background but the white didn't cut it

So the black won 😊

I also had 2 choices of setting the flying geese is fine but covers up too much of the fabric 
So I went with snowballing it
Pretty chuffed with how it turned out

And here we are!!! My lovely Scoobs, I really enjoyed making this and have lots more paint left so who knows! Another may be done 😊