Well! August has been a very very busy month! goodness, we started with a raft of husbandsholdingquilts action from the Scoobs! I quilted 8 tops for Siblings together, I wont post them all here, I blogged about them so if you want to see them all go here!
Below is my own quilt for siblings a collaboration with my bee mates, I do think its glorious!
Below is my Riley Blake BOM for this year I loved using up a lot of batiks, im still thinking about whether I do as many SALs next year, perhaps not, I love the layout on this but "whispers" I do find a lot of the blocks in SALs a bit samey?And talking of SALs! I made a start on the main blocks for the Sunny patches SAL by Coriander quilts, I dont have a picture yet of the setting blocks, they were really interesting a jelly roll HST must get some pics for next furtle!
Also making progress with My quilting life BOM I was a bit unsure about the fabric choices but it's growing on me
This was also finished! I do love this a LOT, when I posted it on twitter a lecturer I used to work with claimed it! so it has a good home to go to, its a Get stitch done pattern, I have more patterns and will make more.

It stormed through the making of two machine covers, now I am doing more and more sewing the dust and floof in the sewing room is really building up and I dont think its good for the machines. So Voila! two sewing machine covers, the main machine refused to go through the bulk but the wee featherweight stormed through it
also a great chance to use up these glorious fabrics!
Talking of SALs I used some really bad weather and the abscence of Scoobs for a weekend to get cracking with the quiet play under the sea SAL, I have had a checkered history with this one, the original fabric I bought for the background was useless, I prewashed it and it didnt stop running, eventually I gave up (long story) and substituted this hungarian blue fabric for the background, it works really well but I have been anxious I dont have enough as I am using up smaller bits of it rather than meterage. But I think I will just have enough! Hurrah! These are the scallops needed for it, I just have five more to do then I am joining it together!

Above is the state of play with all the main blocks done!
Ahh what is this below? Its the start of a stichbook! when visiting a good chum in Orkney she introduced me to a chum of hers who made a whole load of stitch books, we both got intrigued and want to make our own, below is the start of mine to document the holiday
Awwww I couldnt let a furtle for August finish without mentioning the FOQ, goodness what a great event it was this year! Highlight had to be seeing Jen (Muminthemadhouse) and getting a picture with her and the water bottle she gifted to me via Helen, many many years ago, if that water bottle could speak πthe FOQ was great this year it always is, but the best bit? Not having to go back to work on the monday ππ
And since its August lets say hurrah for celebrating my first full year of retirement. Its been a blast.