Well here we are at the mid way check in! I will admit to my heart sinking when i saw the call to link up. I was sure that i had done nothing of note and would score a big fat fail on most of the list but actually I had done way more than i thought and can tick some big wins off the list! Which is the whole point of having the link up, not only for accountability but to show you how much you have actually done, so thank you Archiethewonderdog! so What can I tick off the list?
Garden Trellis
So that was the Garden Trellis quilt top when i started the list, very happy to say it is now finished!
Here is the link to the full post and here is a pic of the completed top, beautifully quilted by Cumbrian Long Armer.
So that is a big fat tick!
Blossom Jane
Ah, not any progress with this unfortunately, too much other stuff on the go and I have sort of lost my way with it a bit, thinking I will wait till retirement and get back to it with a clear and less stressed head!
Hexagon sewing case
Done! another big fat tick! I loved making this even though i did get the dogs the wrong way round! but managed to fix it.
Link to full post on this.
Floral big cats - lion, tiger, lynx
Yea!!! another partial tick for this, I have now done the Lion, need to add Cheetah to the list but there is movement here!
Link to full post on the Lion
In the garden sew along
Well this really really tested my FPP skillz! but again a lot of progress on this one! I hope to get the borders on it and maybe even quilted this weekend. I got all the blocks put together at a lovely in person sewing day last weekend and can see the finishing line in sight 😊
This is the current flimsy:
Chirp chirp layer cake quilt
And this is another tick!!!! I rushed my Scoobs out after his breakfast this morning to take a picture! I will write up the blog post about it this weekend but here is the finished quilt!

Oh deer layer cake quilt
No progress but i have a plan! and upcoming oodles of free time 😂
Temperature embroidery from 2021
I made some progress with finishing off the mandalas to go with the temperature squares, this is all good to go and make up now, i just need the head space (stares mistily forward to august 😂)
Wheel of the year embroidery
Catching up with Wheel of the year , still got summer solstice to do but will crack on with that.
Marbling fabric
Nothing on this, needs to wait for retirement
The waiting list
Quilt for Henry the dog in Blue and Teal
Bubbles in speckled fabric
Selvedge quilt
FQ melody Miller quilt - striking this off the list I have other plans for the FQ bundle
Macaron pouch
Mintiya purse
Bargello Angels wings with Tula - New for 2nd half
Tula butterfly in capel and castaway - new for 2nd half
medallion quilt in liberty big prints - new for 2nd half