Thursday 29 February 2024

February furtle

Well hello to February's furtle!! This is being posted from a completely different time zone so I have no clue if it's still February in the UK 🤣🤣
Anyhow I had got most of this prepped before I left. February has been mainly about tiny nine patches, the challenge hosted by Taryn of reproquiltlover. Oh my word how I love making these blocks! Funnily though it doesn't seem to make much of a dent in my liberty scraps pile ....
Above I was auditioning backgrounds I think I'm going to have to go for a light one I xant find any more of the one above so am just going to order a white or pale blue lawn fabric I think, maybe a very pale blue?
Above is my mood tracker embroidery. I'm really loving this, greener colours are calm or happy. Purple is sad worried or angry, yellow excited and blue tired. I don't mind a bit of Purple now and then, to appreciate the rainbow we must have the rain. 
Also finished making all my selvedge blocks!!! This is what was left!
Looking forward to putting these together when I get back.
Well this was a huge tick of the fettle list!!! My planets quilt is done!! I am beyond chuffed with this one

Awww look what a lovely chum sent me for my swimming!!! Take me to the water indeed!!!
The picture below was taken at a sewing day as I was laying my things out I realised that everything here had been gifted by lovely chums and what a nice way to take them sewing with me 😊

So many wonderful memories popped up when I was sewing the selvedges! Look! Summersville!
This was the last of the 9 patches before I left!
So just now I'm in Japan!!! How exciting,  first visit was to pick up some gorgeous yuwa and kokka fabric from the Hankyu department store look! Moomins!
Hello kitty liberty!!!

And panda tags 🥰🥰🥰
I'll leave it there! Thanks as always Archiethewonderdog for hosting the furtle 😊😊


  1. What a cheerful bunch of photos! Projects, quilts and lovely purchases in Japan. Enjoy March!!!

  2. I love your planets quilt, it’s amazing! And the nine patches look gorgeous, as does the embroidery. Hooray for finishes and the fettling of them *waves pompoms* Thanks for Furtling!

    1. Cheers pet! I do so love the Planets quilt!
