Monday 22 January 2024

De cluttering

Well what a trip down memory lane that was! Fresh from my sewing room renovation I decided to tackle the loft. Scoobs was on board there was a storm coming so we had nothing else to do!
Scoobs went up and handed down boxes and bags. Books ... loads of books. I cant really read physical books any more holding them open for any length of time is challenging. 
I use the site - We buy books, they don't take everything and somethings you only get 15p for but it's not about the money,  the books get picked up you get some cash and it moves them on.
The only ones I kept were my Asterix books, I'll read them again,  everything thing else if I want to read them again I've bought on kindle.
This below though this stopped me in my tracks 💗💗 I now have this version on audible the original BBC radio adaptation with Robert Stephens as Aragorn, Michael Horden as Gandalf and Ian Holm as Frodo, I've just realised that Bill Nighy was Sam Gamgee! He was credited as William Nighy.
I was still.married to 1st husband when I bought this. I was a Library assistant and we had just got a chunk of money as back pay, I had wanted this for years and could now afford it. It seemed like such a luxury ! 
It's still in pristine condition 💗💗 which is surprising because I listened to it on a loop for years! I listened to it when I was ironing,  husband no 1 was a teacher so I always had shorts and trousers to iron each Sunday. 
I would go upstairs and switch on the cassette player and listen to this. When I got to the end I would simply start at cassette 1 again 💗
It's now time to let this go. I'll keep the card that was in the box but I have the story on audible and no way of playing a cassette any more. Buy this was a hard one to let go.
Oh my! A very young budsmam 😊 my first graduation,  it as from the open university held in Edinburgh 
I also found this picture of my gran, she always said I looked like her but I never saw it, until now! Looking at these two pictures I get it! I never knew her looking this young, how pretty she was.
Ahhhh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Homer 🤣🤣🤣 yup husband no1 in his full glory ...
I hate that I judge his appearance because I hate that, we should never judge folks by how they look, it's awful. But and this is a very big but, he would constantly pick on my looks, I was never thin enough my hair was wrong my skin was bad, before this graduation he pulled me apart every which way. I look at this now and HOOT with laughter. He was no oil painting but he felt entitled to pull me apart. 
Of course it was all related to his insecurity and nothing to do with me. I knew that at the time too I think. Now I have Scoobs, he looks at me all bundled up in scraggy joggers and layers of fleece tripping off to do my dooking and tells me I'm gorgeous 😊 I know I won out in the end 😊
Well! Sewing machine no 4!!!
This was my grans, its a hand crank, she used her treadle the most but did use this one too.
She must have wound this bobbin which is quite strange to feel. I need to restore this machine a bit but unwinding these bobbins feels strange a bit like unwinding the past. 

This rabbit was made for me by a chum, as chance would have it she is the perfect size for these dolls clothes my gran made for me

Love those bloomers 😍
So a good clear out was had plus a bonus trip down memory lane 😊

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