Oh I know I know, we are not doing the FAL on blogs anymore and the FAL has paused on IG for this year but will come back next year! But hey, indulge me I am finding myself increasingly more and more like Sheldon cooper, there was an episode when Amy tried to cure him of his compulsion to complete things, Im with Sheldon on this!
Anyhoo, I have things on my list and i need some way to tie them up! so here goes.
No 1 - Garden Trellis
No 2 - Dear Jane
No 3 - Ishbel shawl
No 4 - mini makes (ignore the 5 thats from a previous list!)
No 5 - hole punch ribbon quilt
No 6 - hunters star
I have the pattern for this from todays quilter, Im still unsure as to what fabric i will use so lets leave that for now!
No 7 - Charm pack for linus
No 8 - Mini charm pack for linus
No 9 - Michael Powell x stitch

No 10 - spruced up quilt
this is one I made last year but want to make some more for the SAL
I’ve also put my Q4 list on my blog, but I think you stand more chance of getting things ticked off than I do, I’m behind already! Good luck!!