Saturday, 7 April 2018

Mahoosive liberty quilt

Here that noise?? Its me squeaking in with one last finish on my Q1 list πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this wss number 3 on the list.
Its done !! My husband (ower Scoobs) doing a grand job of showing off the finished mahoosive Liberty quilt top. His poor arms wont stretch to the full 98 , yes 98 inches in width .... i really must get better at realising how big quilt tops are going to be! I got it back this week from the fabulous Cath, @cumbrianlongarmer. And what a stunning job she did.

Here are some shots of it at Gartmore, which is fitting since it was started here last summer.

Under a chandelier, budthepuppy would approve😊

The pattern is a Susan Briscoe one from one of the early editions of Todays Quilter, a supplement on medallion quilts.
See those tins? I took all my liberty stash with me when making these!
144 flying geese

Had to stand on rocking chair squidged up in a corner to do this!

Ahhhhhh almost the point of no return!! I wasnt paying attention to the piecing and it was getting dangerously squint. I had to take middle out and re piece ....

At Gartmore putting on final border

And a final shot of the lovely Mark who has now become a right prima donna now he knows about the #husbandholdingquilts hashtag πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  1. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful finish! Lucky husband!!! On behalf of the global hosts of the Finish A Long, thank you for participating!

  2. It's a magnificently splendid quilt ans I love it! Congratulations on the finish! *waves pompoms*

    (Has BudThePuppy has his inaugural roll on it yet?)

    1. Rolled, snuggled and squished πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ thank you for all your encouragement xx
