Sunday, 25 June 2017

Sewtogether bag for Marshall

Massive dash for posts for the FAL2017 Q2 link up! Here is the original finish proposal post. I have known Marshall for many years, such a lovely lady, really I don't think I have ever known her say a cross word. She sent me this lovely parcel of fabric and a Fabricology bag years ago. I always knew that I wanted to make her a sew together bag with it. She is a knitter not a quilter and a sew together bag is perfect for all those knitty notions! When the EMG had a sewing day I took this along and got stuck in. I love the effect and Marshall loved the bag, win win all round!



  1. Such a lovely bag, I love the fabrics you used! I haven't dared to tackle a sew together bag yet, yours is wonderful, and I am tempted again...

    1. Thank you! The quilt barn tutorial helps a lot

  2. Very cute finish - I love that fabric on the inside!! On behalf of the global FAL hosts, thank you so much for playing along with us this quarter!
