Thursday, 29 June 2017

Thats how wonderful looks

For sic years now I've been posting selfies saying "just had check up still in remission 😀" i had my last official check up on Tuesday.  So posted my last one, the consultant told me " i take great pleasure in kicking you out and saying we dont want to see you again " people were so kind and helped me celebrate. lovely Lesley said about my selfie. "thats how wonderful looks"
I went and had afternoon tea with Mark and drank prosecco.  We often went for afternoon tea when i was sick but i was never able to drink. I know there may still be challenges ahead but for now im smiling and still dancing 🎶 😀🍸🍸🍷🍷

Monday, 26 June 2017

2nd greek cross quilt

Phew! I didn't think I would get this one ticked off my FAL Q2 list but I did! I didn't stress about the quilting just straight squiggly across and down.
I had been given enough of these blocks from the lovely ladies of the siblings together quilt bee to make a second quilt top, I just needed a few more blocks to complete it. After raiding my stash of blues I got it finished ....ermmmm 10 minutes ago!
squeaking in for the linky party.

Petra prins Dutch quilt

Another quite massive tick off the FAL Q2 list!! When we had a trip to Amsterdam last year I had a trip to the Petra Prins shop. I have always loved her reproduction dutch fabric. The yellows and purples and dusky pinks just sing to me!
I wanted to make a quilt from one of her books, unfortunately I developed joint problems and was slightly daunted by the gazillion and one HSTs ..... plus all the rotary cutting.
Never fear, the fiskars rotary cutter guillotine thingy is perfect as is the clingy thing, clearly perfect angles. I only had to trim about 2 out of every dozen triangles I made and I think that was because I hadn't been too accurate in the initial cutting - sorted!
The original center of the quilt was hand appliqued, well that is out for me, my shonky old joints couldn't cope so I found this foundation paper pieced pattern by Lynne Goldsworthy, perfect!

I took it up to a quilting retreat up in Cullen and got cracking, the finished quilt is on its way to siblings together.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Sewtogether bag for Marshall

Massive dash for posts for the FAL2017 Q2 link up! Here is the original finish proposal post. I have known Marshall for many years, such a lovely lady, really I don't think I have ever known her say a cross word. She sent me this lovely parcel of fabric and a Fabricology bag years ago. I always knew that I wanted to make her a sew together bag with it. She is a knitter not a quilter and a sew together bag is perfect for all those knitty notions! When the EMG had a sewing day I took this along and got stuck in. I love the effect and Marshall loved the bag, win win all round!


Liberty hexies

More ticks on the FAL Q2 list!The stitchgathering always has such great goody bags, and in 2015 the lovely Duck Egg Threads gave us this pack of Liberty hexies. I had grand ideas of adding to them and making a bigger thing but my wonky old hands have put an end to my hand sewing. So I decided to use these up. I make four flowers from them and thought they would be fab on the back of my Christine kitchen quilt along Liberty quilt.
Liberty on Lecien, ahhhh match made in heaven.

Use up all the fabric

Do you have fabric that you just have to use up every scrap of?? See those bunnies and pandas up there?? They are my all time favourite and these are the very last bits of them I have. What to do with them! What to do?? I saw a fab thread catchers thingy made by @lovenatalie on Instagram, so I googled a bit and found this pattern by Merriement designs So after totally confusing my husband and asking to get washing line and door hinges for patchwork  I set to making my own weighted pincushion thread catcher thingy using my precious bunnies and pandas. Et voila!
And as you can never have enough pandas, I put some more inside 😂😂😂🐼🐼🐼

Having an adventure

I walked from haymarket station to musselburgh, its about 8 miles i think. I love walking. Seeing things, buildings people, shops. It was a good day and a nice adventure.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Fussy cut quilt

Another tick on the FAL Q2 list! Next up in my insane rush to get all posts done for the next FAL linky is the fussy cut quilt. I've been in this swap for a gazillion years, lovely swap. At the end of each year I take the 12x12 blocks and put them together for a linus quilt. So here it is backed in snuggle fleece all bright and perky ready for new home.