Whoo! what a raft of blog posts! well i have a lot of catching up to do .... I have started another quilt along, the BOM from todays quilter by Carolyn Foster. She does it all hand piecing, im trying to avoid that as much as possible but did have to do some for this block. I do like it though. another fun bright quilt i think.
Sunday, 30 December 2018
Bespoke gin mat
I wont deny this christmas has been a struggle. i was not prepared for the tsunami of grief which came with the one year anniversary of loosing a loved one in such a tragic manner. I know others have a greater grief to bear but mine is here and i couldn't seem to stop it in December. t
The poor ladies from Killearn had to mop me up when it was the one year anniversary of his death. I had to avoid the new office christmas party lunch as it was on the one year anniversary of the funeral. I spent most of the day in tears.
I simply could not face christmas this year. I wrote no cards apart from immediate family and bought only two gifts, Mark and my mam.
I felt rotten but simply could not participate.
So this present touched my heart so much and this is what i will remember from christmas this year. The lovely Cath - cumbrianlongarmer sent me a bespoke gin mat :-) i cant capture the glittery fabric so you will just have to take my word for it :-) how lovely is this.
So I wont remember the sad times just the lovely generosity and kindness of heart of people you meet on this journey.
Lloyd loving my christmas card!
Miss Mhari mowse quickly snaffled the star ornament! While Mini Mini Bud got the teacayk ornament!
Emmaline bag
Pant pant pant, busy getting blog psots done ahead of the deadline for Q4 of this year FAL!!!
I am SO chuffed with this, No. 9 on my Q4 FAL list An Emmaline retreat bag, this is a free pattern a FREE pattern! and how well written it was, a delight to work with. and so quick, in total i think it took a couple of hours. Pattern from Emmaline bags
I love the fabric. I remember buying it at the 2017 FOQ Im fairly certain lovely Ruth also bought it. I still have tons left!
I loved making this so much I have sent away for the wires to make the bigger size which has a slightly more complicated looking inner pocket but the pattern is so well written i dont think it will be an issue.
Reveille part deux
No 6 on my 2018 Q4 FAL list I had a weakness for charm packs ... please note the past tense. My lovely quilty friends Ruth and Claire are under strict instructions not to let me purchase any more at the FOQ. I love them but what the heck do you make with them? the only patterns i could find meant you had to cut them up impossibly small, im just not up to that any more. I do have a few left to use up but this quilt did use up a fair few of them. The pattern is Reveille from 'Another bite of schnibbles" I love the big border i added to size it up for siblings together. Its an early Zen chic line. It gives it a fuzzy out of focus look which i love.
Doesnt everyone baste over the bannisters :-)
I played bobbin chicken and won!
Year of scrappy triangles
This was No 2 on my 2018 FAL Q4 list A year of scrappy triangles by Leila Gardunia this was such a fun sew along. Great free patterns and i will use them again I think. What always amazes me about scrappy quilts is that they seem to generate more scraps than they use!
Hey ho, it will go to Project linus where i hope it will be loved.
Batik jelly roll
Flip i didnt meant this to publish but since it has might as well finish it off! this was No 7 on my 2018 Q4 FAL list
It was a jelly roll from ea destash by Archie the Wonderdog. i must have got it over a year ago and knew what pattern i wanted to make with it but needed to get a coordinating fabric. I got the yellow at the FOQ this year, its very bold but i do love it.
Some out takes from the husband holding quilt photo shoot :-)
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
New York beauty
Another finish! No 1 from this years FAL Q4 list I started this well over a year ago at the Thistle Patch retreat organised by Katy Cameron. These were some patterns we got at the retreat. I really enjoyed making them using up my Zhandra Rhodes fabric but i want do make a whole New York beauty with some other fabrics to thought I would just leave this one here and make a double sided mini.
Christmas cushion along
How cute is Rudolph?? He joins my other Christmas cushions, ive joined in with the #christmascushionalong hosted by Archie the wonder dog ever year. Ive been wanting to make this Unicorn Hearts pattern for ages, this seemed like a perfect time to do it. Used up a lot of my favourite Rudolph fabric too.
Sunday, 16 December 2018
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Little Miss Muffet
This was no 8 on my FAL Q4 list a mini tuffet. I wont say it wasn't without challenges … and my bottom wouldn't lay flat (story of my life …) but its done and I like it!

Monday, 26 November 2018
Epic weekend 😊
Just a lovely weekend. Fab day out out with Sheena and Ruth on saturday going round the sampler exhibition at the museum.
Sunday was spent walking round Culross with my step count buddies Laurie and Jane. What the heck was my hair doing here???! it was very very wet.
The weekend got off to a great start with this fab card from a lovely friend. There are times I still struggle with accepting that people would voluntarily want to spend time with me. That childhood conditioning is hard to get past sometimes! But weekends like this are a great antidote to it!
Sunday, 18 November 2018
My Scoobs
8 years eh! we have been togetherr for 16 years but married for 8.
So how much do i love this man? rather a lot actually.
So how much do i love this man? rather a lot actually.
We have been coming to the Pine Trees for many years now. In the early days Bud would come too.
Mark proposed here, we honeymooned here and this was the first place we came away too after i finished chemotherapy.
Our wedding was amazing truly the best day of my life.
I didnt then know that we would spend our first wedding anniversary waiting for results of a PET scan which would tell us if i would survive to the second wedding anniversary.
So while every day is a bonus every anniversary is sooper special.
This year we booked into the coach house of the Pine Trees, i think we will be coming back again, how ace is this.
The inside of the room was fabulous too.
Our own sitting room!
My scoobs in his natural habitat making coffee.
When we walked into the room this was waiting for me!
I love this man so much
I love dressing up for dinner :-)
I can still walk in these babies :-) not far mind you but far enough to take me to the bar!
some slightly squiffy selfies :-)
We did a little bit more than drink and eat! it was a beautiful weekend so we went for loads of walks, these are from the Birks of Aberfeldy.
Walk above the Pine Trees hotel
me and my scoobs
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