Friday, 30 September 2016

OMG!!!!! It's off the FAL2016 list!!!! Silk is done ....

This is going to be a loooooong post but then again this has been my longest ever WIP it was on My FAL Q3 list and it had been on every FAL list for 6 count them 6 years!! So forgive me, indulge me or skip to the end or go and read another blog 😊
It started at the FOQ seven years ago. My chum Irene came running up to me saying there was this amazing lady demoing the most fantastic techniques. Intrigued I went to here stand and met the lovely Pauline Ineson, we both bought her book:
                                                    We both thought this was an amazing quilt to make and bought all the silk and calico and other stuff needed for it. I got stuck in and made a few of the test blocks, even made this box to hold the blocks in. 
   I do love it, it feels weird not having it kicking around the sewing room it's been a part of my sewing life for so long, while I was sick it was a beacon, something which would mark me *being well again* then it just seemed like a bit of an albatross. Now it's more like a  rite of passage. And oh my goodness didn't I learn soooooo much about my sewing machine!! 14 quid this book cost and I learned about £500 of sewing lessons from it. So thank you Pauline for your wonderful book which led to my lovely quilt, I do love it. I will finish off with this pic of the blue mine I made simply because this stupid blogging app won't let me delete it! But it is pretty 😊😊😊😊 
I have lost all of these pictures! hey ho i still have the quilt!
Nearly 10 years later this now hangs in our Neuk, the wee sitting room we crated from my Work from home office during the pandemic

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Next finish for FAL2016 Q3 sisters 10

Next up from my list for Q3 is this lovely! One of the quilt groups I go to the Muckhart quilters decided to make the Sisters 10 quilt from the Gen X blog.  I had a batik fat eigth pack from my trip to America last year I thought this would be be an ideal use for it. I love the setting, I found the perfect batik for the background at the FOQ last year.  Here it is all bound and quilted and ready to go to siblings together.   

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Lone star, ticked off FAL2016 Q3 list

 First tick from My Q3 list!!   I have wanted to make a lone star quilt for as long as I can remember. I have tried and failed miserably several times. When I saw the fab Jo Avery from Mybearpaw craft     was doing a class on her lone star quilt I knew this was my chance. I really needed a colour boost at that time too so settled on some of my precious Kaffe Fassett fabrics for the star. Off I toddled and we got started! Loving it!

                        All it needed was quilted and bound!  I wanted to give it to Siblings together and knew the lovely Nicky was picking up quilts from the Stitch gathering for them so I got a wiggle on and hey presto!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Pixie baskets

I've been getting a bit obsessed by making these pixie baskets by fabric mutt. How cute is the bunny fabric?  also more lacy zip pouches. Sometimes small is good!