Monday, 20 July 2015

Mini swoon in Karen Lewis

A mini swoon!!! This was a swap with Karen Lewis fabric and my partner was the lovely Claire Poppins. I decided to try the mini swoon pattern to showcase these lovely fabrics.


Saturday, 18 July 2015

First my small world

 Well i had to jump on the first my small world band wagon didnt i 😊 I loved making this and remember buying the quilt mania magazines, had to go to WH Smith’s in Aberdeen to buy them! I wont lie it was a tricky pattern to make but I loved the result.

I gave it to the OT department in QMU, it felt right to do so. And imagine my surprise when a new lecturer pointed it out in a tweet! Happy happy memories ❤️

So of course I replied!
I came across these progress shots so wanted to add them, it was a fabulous quilt to make

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Colonial knot quilt


I love love love a colonial knot, it wasn’t too practical to make a quilt out of them but this one went to my niece in the end I think. I used a lot of colonial knot work patterns by Sandie Lush. Great way of using up solid fabrics!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Fergus and Johnny leaving

 Ok this is a bit of a test let’s see if it works. I deleted a couple of years of blog posts by mistake so am trying to see if I can recreate them.