Tuesday 2 July 2024

Mid Fettle check in 2024

Right! Since I'm laid up with Lurgy and forced bed rest lets have a mid year fettle check in?
I did think I hadn't really done as much because of travel and new interest of dooking but I think I've still achieved loads which is good 😊
Ticked off in 1st half of 2024
Spare bobble hat for me  removed June 2024 no longer needed.

List update-I haven't made any significant changes to the list, I really dont want to add anything because I want to keep moving the list along, I may add some ideas as I find them and there is the big elephant in the room of the upcoming FOQ 🤣🤣 but the beauty of fettling and furtling for me is that it keeps me on track

Blossom Jane - major progress was taking out the black sashing, I really need to get stuck into the blocks again but that can wait till I'm better

Floral big cats no progress but this seems to be a winter project for me, it would be great to get another 2 done this year but they are "intense" 🤣 -Panther liontiger, lynx, cheetah, Jaguar, mountain lion, snow leopard, cloud leopard

OK I've looked through the list and the waiting list below, really want to crack on with some Sea Parrot bird blocks I had them all cut out for coming back from France, also the Bargello it's the last of my '"Pandemic quilt ideas" left to do. Some others may morph into other ideas or get taken off, let's see but for now I'm pretty happy with the list as is 😊
Many thanks as ever to Archie for hosting, Fettling really helps keep me on track 😊

Bargello Angels wings with Tula (serenity pattern)
Moda Blockheads done in donated fabric 
Scrap quilt drunkards path
Sisters quilt 
Block holders to take to classes

Sew Alongs 2024 Weekly Monthly Other
In the meadow by quiet play in speckled, January-June
Riley Blake BOM January-May
Repro quilter scrappy nine patch

The waiting list
Applique quilt - Threadneedle street
7 charm pack Quilts
Oval drunkards path blocks with Vintage table cloths
Janet Clare minincharm pack Quilts
8 sea parrot Quilts (may combine some)
Vintage flower sampler quilt
Tilda quilt
Birds and baskets quilt in AMH echinacea
Sweet William quilt?
Tula butterfly in capel and castaway or using left over speckled?
Medallion quilt in liberty big prints
Orphan block quilts?
Jen Kingwell Bakers dozen, Blockheads or pluses quilt in Lucy Engles bundles?
Tamara Kate beetle pattern

Non quilting crafts - In progress
Temperature embroideries 2023 + 2024
Trees from Victoria Sampler
Mood wheel of the year for 2024
Get Stitch Done - f**k Rose stitch (somehow got missed off added back in July 24)
Get stitch done Oval f**k
Non quilting crafts - Waiting list
Woodland embroidery 
Michael Powell snowy chapel X stitch
Michael Powell snowy street X stitch
2x Michael Powell bookmarks
Floral Alphabet sampler
Phenology Wheel


  1. Look at all those finishes *waves pompoms* and such good progress with Dear Jane. I think this is a progress report to be proud of, gold star for you!

    1. Thank you! I love fettling it helps me see the bigger crafting picture, keeps me on track and see where I'm at 😊 thank you so much for hosting xx
