Tuesday 3 September 2024

View from Long Covid - reframe yourself

I'm spending a lot of my time resting in between activities with LC I need to stop before the heart rate goes over a certain limit
In the kitchen I did down with my feet up on the radiator and look out the window
This is the view
In the neuk our wee sitting room this is my view
I also spend a lot of time I mean a LOT of time sitting on the stairs🀣🀣🀣 like the Grand old Duke of York... half way up or half way down πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ my mother gave me.this picture years ago ... with strict instructions not to sell it on Ebay πŸ™„ I think I had sold some Crafting things on ebay and she was horrified! Probably thought it was common!
I see it a lot now, its OK I might like it a bit better now
I also see a lot of this
Marks great uncle Walter who died in the first World War, he tracked down his medals. So sad so young.
It could be worse,  I have a lot if time to reflect now and I'm realising that this is not just down to Covid, this is the cumulative effect of:
Narcissistic mother, Munchausens by proxy as a child, toxic and Coercive first marriage, toxic and Coercive flat mate after first marriage, stage 4 cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, a toxic last job during a global pandemic,  toxic work colleagues/staff members,  lipidema and finally a bad car accident 3 weeks before I caught covid ....
Just writing all of that down makes me realise how much damage has been done to my body and mind. I can look at this one of two ways, something to wail about or a signal that things need to change and that if I want any quality of life in my final years I need to do some deep deep healing
This was my monthly marker for September very appropriate 

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