Saturday 1 June 2024


So! it all started here, Budsmams big birthday, yup, im now 60 😦 nope i cant quite believe it either! I dont normally DO birthdays (or many celebrations to be honest, yes christmas Im looking at you!) But 60 is a huge milestone and I am so incredibly grateful to still be here to celebrate it! Above are the beautiful flowers from my chum Kim, they were the first presents to arrive
The day before I set off on my birthday big adventure I went for a wee solo dook in Little Denny, lovely way to mark the last dip of my 50s

So! its a long story but Mark couldnt actually be here on the day of my 60th, but my beautiful chum Jacky stepped in and blimey she made it a birthday I would not forget!

We decided on a trip to Harrogate for the weekend, iconic Bettys tearooms would feature heavily in the trip, how goregous are they!

Nobody celebrates like Jacky, seriously!!! look at this! birthday bunting in the hotel room πŸ’—
Her theme for the presents was "6 decades of Sheila" πŸ’—
How sensational is this card!
Above was my main present, I adore this, it was to go with my dress for the meal as I didnt have anything else which suited it!
Below is our first evening, that is a giant mojito in front of me!!! We do like our cocktails πŸ˜‚, hotel was lovely!
Oh yes there may have been a margarita in the mix too πŸ˜‚ this was all after a beautiful meal at Wagamma Duck Donburi for the win!!!
Birthday morning! opening up all the presents, I am so lucky! Below was present from chum Sue, lovely handmde card and puffin bag πŸ’—
Beautiful card and present from chum Ruth!
So so many gorgeous card from Jacky! look at this cherry blossom one!

6 decades of Sheila!
Fkat white at Bettys ... utterly fantastic, as was the breakfast rosti!
Even the toilets at Bettys are amazing!!!!

We had originally wanted to stay at the Old Swan in Harrogate (hotel where Agatha Christie ran away too) but it was fully booked, we swung in past for a look though! Very pretty
So grateful we did swing in past because on the way back we passed this gallery The Mercer Gallery which we mght have missed otherwise! It was fantastic! Beautiful exhibition by David Remphrey on dogs and their owners

Also incredible exhibition of drawings by Eva Leigh, very thought provoking

Didnt go in but how lovely is the pump room!
We popped into a wee cafe for some juice, very warm! then a cute wee gallery where they clocked the beautiful jewellery my chum Jacky was weraing! we had no need of lunch as we were so full from brekkie!
so we pootled around the gardens in the center of Harrogate, utterly gorgeous! 

Did I mention Jacky is the queen of celebrations???? look at this, gluten free birthday cake bars with candles and faux flames πŸ˜‚just incredible!
back up birthday cake!!!!

Fortified by birthday cake we headed off to RHS Harlaw Carr, 5 minutes outside of Harrogate
So many irises! what an incredible garden we barely scratched a quarter of it

RHS Harlaw Carr was amazing, we will be back!
We returned to the hotel for the main event! the birthday meal!
Look at all the wonderful cards!!! Including some from my favourite sommeliers πŸ’–OK just loooooook at my dress!!! I adore it and the necklace was perfect with it! And my green trainers!!! Not bad for 60!

Two Divas! and one of the best chums I could ever hope for!

Mark gave me this bag for my 40th, so it was officially 20 years old, happy birthday to my bag πŸ’—
Gorgeous card from dooking chum!
Ahhhh blogger put the pictures out of order!! this was on the way to Harrogate, huge delays but it meant we could get a great picture of the Angel of the North!
OK and some more from the garden in Harrogate!

Old friends πŸ’—
Sat on a park bench like book ends 😊

Birthday meal, steak frites, fantastic!
So first brekkie of birthday? had to be Bettys again! scramble eggs an flat white first because we were heading off to Turkish Baths! 
Turkish baths were amazing!!! but not allowed to take photos, enjoyed every minute though! Next up on list was Yorkshire Sculpture park, just amazing

Oh blogger! more pictures out of order!!!! but i forgive you πŸ˜‚

Last day!!! so last breakfast rosti! 

The birthday extended to the following weekend and lets face it Im going to milk this for the whole next year!!! Lovely lunch with two incredible chums in Edinburgh, rocking my new trainers and shamrock green tights
Im so lucky and so greatful in so many ways, lucky to still be here and so lucky to have so many good and wonderful friends who help me celebrate this, I will never take any of this for granted
While in Harrogate I was blown away to find the little vintage shop I had visited in 2019 was still there! So I bought the babycham glasses I regretted not buying the first time round!
Great for enjoying this new find 
Thats it for now, but I am milking these celebrations for the whole of the next year!
Have to add these! Birthday present from Andy

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