Saturday 2 March 2024

Japan day 6 first full day in Nara

I'm trying to keep up with writing this on real time! It's working so far! I'm in a routine golf going for brekkie then chilling in hotel room and writing this up before I go out. How beautiful is Nara?? I really love this city its got a chilled out vibe to it.
Today started either trying to feed the deer in the park ... I soon found put that for every instagram reel of foljs feeding docile deer there are 6 more of folks being butted and nipped by aggressive deer 🤣🤣🤣🤣😳 yup guess which one I was!! I ended up just throwing the crackers at them trying to get them to stop nipping 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not a total wash out though I saw the posters fir this exhibition 
Innocent looking aren't they 🤣🤣 apparently they are sacred and the traffic stop for them as they wander across the road
I really wanted to see this
Set in beautiful gardens
Well this was just a stunning exhibition really informative too, I dud get a telling off for taking a picture of one I wasn't supposed too 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but they were nice about it and I think their signage was to blame 😆

These two were magnificent I understand why David gets so much press but honestly these two were soooo much more powerful 

The captions were really small but most of these jars are 6-11 BC 😳😳😳 incredible 

I adore this one looks lime a steampunk owl I think
Wash basin and ewers

After spending ages looking at these I pootled across the road and got my first godhuin (Shrine stamp) ofvthis visit! It was at the Himuro Jinja Shrine very lovely

Still looking allllll innocent 😆😆

Next up Todaiji temple

Oh my!!!!

Quite quite breathtaking 

This was a favourite 

There were 2 gardens I wanted to see on my way back to hotel, first up and my favourite was Yoshikien garden

Well was this just not made for me!!!

Loved these

I wasn't expecting much in bloom but look!

Next up was Isuien Garden,  very lovely and they made me take a guided tour, I felt sorry for the woman I think she was a volunteer and wanted to practice her English

And my second Shrine stamp from Todaiji 😊

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