Thursday 9 November 2023

Londond day 2! Divas! November 2023

There was a time I wondered if I would ever see this entrance again 😊my heart is full now I know I can. The V&A has been a huge part of my life, my mother took me there when I was probably about 9 or 10? I vividly remember the costume galleries, I think I bought some postcards from them with my pocket money!
Seeing this as I entered felt very appropriate - "The significance of the Hindu God Nataraja (Nataraj) sculpture is said to be that Shiva is shown as the source of all movement within the cosmos, represented by the arch of flames.

The purpose of the dance is to release men from illusion of the idea of the "self" and of the physical world."

So! this was the main reason I wanted to come to London to see this! Divas. The Chanel exhibition was an after thought and my goodness it was incredible but this was the main reason for the trip.
I have always been fascinated by women who we would  now call Divas, women who plough their own path, basically women who own their identity and do not let others shape them into what they feel they should be.
I will admit to struggling with my identity, not since retirement but probably since menopause, menopause felt like it stripped away a lot of the confidence and assurance I had built up over the years.
I didnt use to give a damn what people thought of me I was quite happy being "me" but since menopause the comments that you get if you dont conform did hit home "odd" "different" "strange" "special" etc yes yes I know! I know I am those things and do you know what??? I dont care, you either like me or not, if you dont then there are plenty other folks out there for you to be chums with!!!! stop trying to fit me into your box!
I have a few chums who try to imply I am neurodivergent, and yes I have thought about that for many many years, I am not sure if I am or not, I do have some pointers that I may be but also many that I may not be, I am not going to waste the NHS time and money trying to find out one way or the other. A lot of what makes me different can be explained by being brought up by a narcisist.
I have decided I love who I am right here right now, not going to waste time trying to be what others want.

The next series of pictures were from Carte de Visit of the various performers, how beautiful are they!

Apparently the bodice below was liberating!!! 😯because it fastened at the front! still looks very constricting!

"Buckle up we are in for a bumpy ride" ahhhh Bette Davis, now there is a role model!

This picture just stopped me in my tracks, how heartbreaking, this was taken in the year she passed, you can see how broken she is in this.
Mae West! along with Bette Davis she was a force to be reckoned with!!

I grew up when there were only 2 TV channels .... yes I am that old!!!! films with these women in them were a staple of my my viewing, seeing all of these in one place made me realise where I get a lot of my attitudes and thinking from!!!
The exhibition was so well staged, look above at how well the train of this dress has been displayed.

I want the dress below! I would look AMAZING in that!
How true is this?? Again this stopped me in my tracks. I really really really need to stop taking on board other peoples opinions of me, they see only what they want to see and through their own frame of reference.

I saws a meme which said "Im just going to divert all my taxes to Dolly and let her get on with it" If I could do that I would, what a woman, what an inspiration, starts up a programme giving free books to children, funds research into Covid, and so much more, how different the world would be if Dolly was in charge and she does not care in the slightest what anyone thinks of her either, Dolly you are the best.

Cher .... Icon, Diva, just the best

I had to take this for my chum Dane who is a HUGE Cher fan!

Tina, another who ploughs her own path regardless

Dame Shirley!

Siousie Sioux - seeing all of these amaxing women in the one space jut reminded me what I grew up with this was so grounding! I felt as if I was coming back to myself, understanding what moulded and shaped me.

Of course a Diva can be male! and who better to represent the male diva than Sir Elton himself!

I know all the words to Cabaret, one of my all time favourite musicals "and when I go! Im going like Elsie!!!!!" 😊😂

OK we are now in the very very modern Diva section! I must admit many I didnt know ... but thats ok I am sure they are worthy!

I read up about Lil Nas X, what a lovely man! and very appropriate to be a Diva

Dolly again, what a woman! Diva doesnt mean stroppy behaviour, Diva simply means being authentic and ploughing your own path and holding true to yourself. No one epitomises this more than Dolly.

What an amaxing life affirming exhibition, thank you so much V&A you have done more than you will ever know. 
Plus there was a gift shop!!!!!!
Dolly again, just because!
A quick pootle round the general costume gallery just because!

By this time I was starving! I found a lovely cafe near the V&A the Brompton food market, they had a lovely outdoor seating area and great food, I had sumac and harrisa roasted Cauliflower with Almond hummous, so lovely with real ginger and lemon tea. Ill be back its so close to the Museum!


  1. I think this exhibition was perhaps exactly what you needed just when you needed it?

    1. Thank you 😊 it was the perfect thing at exactly the right time 😊
