
Thursday 5 September 2024

Visble insights

OK one day I will stop evangelising about visible, but today is not that day!
I've learned so so much, ok first thing is about anticipation anxiety and exertion and energy use
Here is the impact and then the intensity of injecting methotrexate my arthritis med

What a huge huge difference, exactly the same activity but the anxiety beforehand was the key factor in using more energy 😳 for info my energy budget was 11 points
Below are the readings from driving from and to the doctors intensity then impact, going to the docs both intensity and impact are huge, what a difference on the way back!

Below is my personal best from today, I finally got a shower! It's been 4 days .....
BUT!!! look! Look at how I have reduced it 🥳🥳🥳 down to 0.5 of a pace points  thats a massive, saving, done by opening a window lukewarm shower but mostly through making sure I got a good chunk of rest before hand I'm so so pleased

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