
Friday 30 August 2024

Visible app

OK I'm going to document this journey, it will have a destination but I dont know quite what that will be yet 🤷‍♀️ and to be honest if I get a bit more than I have now I will be happy 
But first up is my game changer the visible app, OMG what a difference I already feel slightly more in control. Also I can see the impact different activities have and how they impact positively or negatively 
Bit of background,  the visible app gives you a daily budget of points, this is based on your heart rate, for me I have 11 daily points, I try to keep my heart rate below 88 (over that I'm using energy I don't have) I aim to avoid between 82 and 88 if possible and not spend too much time there because that's like putting your foot down on the accelerator and you use up way more energy in this zone
Between 70 and 82 is activity and below 70 is rest this is where you recover and regenerate
I am slowly learning it but it's the first thing which makes me feel in control
This is an example of a days activity
You can see where you are active (blue) over exertion (pink) or resting (white)
You can tag activities and see how they impact your energy budget
You can also see improvements,  I've made some adaptations to my showering and this let's me see what positive impact they have made
Incredible,  Tuesday was a bad day and the shower really took it out of me but today I managed a 0.2 decrease from Monday! If your daily budget is only 11 points then those little wins are actually big wins

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