
Thursday 31 August 2023

August Furtle

Well! August has been a very very busy month! goodness, we started with  a raft of husbandsholdingquilts action from the Scoobs! I quilted 8 tops for Siblings together, I wont post them all here, I blogged about them so if you want to see them all go here!
Below is my own quilt for siblings a collaboration with my bee mates, I do think its glorious!
Below is my Riley Blake BOM for this year I loved using up a lot of batiks, im still thinking about whether I do as many SALs next year, perhaps not, I love the layout on this but "whispers" I do find a lot of the blocks in SALs a bit samey?

And talking of SALs! I made a start on the main blocks for the Sunny patches SAL by Coriander quilts, I dont have a picture yet of the setting blocks, they were really interesting a jelly roll HST must get some pics for next furtle!
Also making progress with My quilting life BOM I was a bit unsure about the fabric choices but it's growing on me
This was also finished! I do love this a LOT, when I posted it on twitter a lecturer I used to work with claimed it! so it has a good home to go to, its a Get stitch done pattern, I have more patterns and will make more.
This wee beauty has really come into its own this month, I now have it set up permanently in the sewing room and it is only for FPP and bulky things which my main machine gets an attack of the vapours πŸ˜‚
It stormed through the making of two machine covers, now I am doing more and more sewing the dust and floof in the sewing room is really building up and I dont think its good for the machines. So Voila! two sewing machine covers, the main machine refused to go through the bulk but the wee featherweight stormed through it
also a great chance to use up these glorious fabrics!
Talking of SALs I used some really bad weather and the abscence of Scoobs for a weekend to get cracking with the quiet play under the sea SAL, I have had a checkered history with this one, the original fabric I bought for the background was useless, I prewashed it and it didnt stop running, eventually I gave up (long story) and substituted this hungarian blue fabric for the background, it works really well but I have been anxious I dont have enough as I am using up smaller bits of it rather than meterage. But I think I will just have enough! Hurrah! These are the scallops needed for it, I just have five more to do then I am joining it together!

 Above is the state of play with all the main blocks done!
Ahh what is this below? Its the start of a stichbook! when visiting a good chum in Orkney she introduced me to a chum of hers who made a whole load of stitch books, we both got intrigued and want to make our own, below is the start of mine to document the holiday
Awwww I couldnt let a furtle for August finish without mentioning the FOQ, goodness what a great event it was this year! Highlight had to be seeing Jen (Muminthemadhouse) and getting a picture with her and the water bottle she gifted to me via Helen, many many years ago, if that water bottle could speak πŸ˜‚the FOQ was great this year it always is, but the best bit? Not having to go back to work on the monday πŸ˜‚πŸ’“

And since its August lets say hurrah for celebrating my first full year of retirement. Its been a blast.


  1. It really was a busy month, wasn’t it?! I hadn’t realised just how much you’d squeezed in to 31 days until I read this post and I’m reeling! Bravo, and hooray for finishes and the fettling of them *waves pompoms for an extra long time to reflect all those finishes* Thanks for Furtling!

    1. Awww your poor arms! A lot of the quilts were mostly done in July just finished off in August but yes still a very productive month!

  2. What a fantastic collection of projects! I really enjoyed the variety of fabrics and blocks :)

  3. Wow! Spectacular finishes. Great job. Thank you so much for sharing. Looking forward to your stitch book. A guild sister made one on her holiday and she shared it the last time I saw her.

    1. Thank you! I'll hopefully have a stitchbook update next furtle
