
Tuesday 11 April 2023

Millard - a blog post by MiniBudthepuppy


Sooooooooo! We had a visitor! Budsmam has the most sooperest luffly chum Jacky, we luffs her loads, she gives us the advent calendars every year. Budsmam gave her a Millard mini fur hur Christmas last year and when Jacky came to visit she took Millard wif hur so he got to hang out wif us!

WEequickly realised that Millard liked hanging out wif sum of us more than others ....
I let Millard sit on my shroom throne
I also inducted Millard into the finer arts of Liberty ...

Where is Millard!!!!???
Oh Millard .....
NO Millard yoo dunt want to be messing about wif that ....
Or that .....
hmmmm I finks yoo have been hanging about with Woolly Bob a bit too much ....
awwww Millard we are sorry to see you go but we know you need to return to luffly Jacky (who forgot to take you home !!!!!)
Budsmam is seeing her soon fur hur berfday so you can go too, Budsmam put a reminder on the berfday gift bag!
yes say good bye to Wendy
And Woolly Bob 
and Lloyd and the tipsy Penguins
No Millard that stays here!
And that 

Safe travels Millard!
but I am worried that you are going on a road trip wif Budsmam .....
I rest my case!
On a train Millard!!!! yoo take care now!
Its been sooper having you to stay come back soon