
Monday, 30 December 2024

December look back

So December you were a mixed bag weren't you! The vaccine knocked me back a lot so we recover from that, my Uncle John passed so we recove from that, I would love a period of time where I'm not knocked back tbh but here we are, some pictures to remind me it's not all grim

Selkies still sending their cards 😊
Long covid - left, chemo curls - right to remind me that this too will pass in some shape or form
I used this as my December monthly marker, picture on left of current from my weekly chilly challenge with my swimming group they allow me to join in with my cold showers 😊 picture on the right is from November 2012 I was recovering from 6 months chemo for stage 4 hodgkins lymphoma and my hair grew back curly, my hair is shaved now to save energy washing, who knew hair would play such a role in chronic illness?
Not going to lie October and November have been awful, I keep getting knocked back, UTI, broken tooth, vaccine kicking me at the moment I'm 99% upstairs because going downstairs is too much for me, my physio assures me this will get better and I need time and patience. 
Long covid was always my worst fear of contracting covid and now it's here, well just got to get on with it i think? Nothing else I can do
There have been some good things come out of this, scoobs is now convinced we need to move, he was always adamant that we stay here for as long as possible while for me the house was becoming more difficult to clean and maintain, he now sees me trapped up here and understands why we have to move, a nice little bungalow would be amazing! We have a plan, in 3 years mortgage will be paid off and we will sell this house then start looking for another we are already looking at trimming down our stuff, I'm pretty good at doing that but we can.alwqys do more 😊 I'm relieved and excited. Sad to leave this house we have had so many happy memories here but far better move before we are forced too

Awww this is my Christmas present to my great nephew it's in Doric our local dialect up north, a foggy bummer
Wee Adam one of the sons of my selkie group drew his for me 😊
M laest snack of choice after I broke a tooth on my last snack!

Love the selkie cards 🤣🤣
My Uncle John 💔
Wreath from lovely Kim and Jo ❤️

Still in the chilly challenge!

This is so lovely! Beautiful book from Michelle in the selkies ❤️

I git a Donkey fir Christmas 😊 his name is cookie 🥰
So December ends with a fractured friendship.. sad but that's life, if chums can't accept boundaries (no you can't give my husband helpful tips, behind my back without asking, on how he helps me manage my energy 🤦‍♀️) ffs and no its not acceptable to ask him for intimate details of my health either ...
But it helped, I politely but firmly pushed back, stood my ground. It helped me feel more in control and reminded me of just how kick ass I can be 💃🧜‍♀️

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