
Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Storygraph 2024 wrap up


How much do I love Storygraph??? It gets better and better
Reconnecting with my love of Reading has been an absolute joy it really has. 76 books! OK a lot of small ones here but that's fine, I've found a lot of new authors too and look at these cool graphics!

My mood map! Oh I love this feature will be interesting to see what 2025 looks like!

Storygraph December 2024

Interviewing the dead by David Field
 yes this should be right up my street but i ended up skimming it good enough but just not amazing. 
Welcome to Cooper, Tariq Ashkanasi 
blimey what to day about this? It also seemed to divide reviwers opinions, it was well written but just such a grim story. 
The Runaway by Rebecca Gable this was on Audible i did really enjoy it probably mostly because Miriam Margolies was the narrator but it was an enjoyable story not sure ill continued with it though? Do I want to buy the others? Falconers crusade by Ian Morson - Good solid historical mystery, engagingly written, good historical detail, I have the bosses so will dip into that every now and then. 
Stitches and witches by Nancy Warren 2nd in Vampire knitting club series, I want to end the year with some reliable books, I love this cozy series so.mich and this didn't disappoint now I'm swithering about Kindle unlimited? All this series are on there I don't think I will though because that would tie me in to just reading this series in one go and I want to pace it out? I think I might need to find a way of keeping a track of series and books I want to read? The TBR pile on storygraph is fine but that's for specific books? 
Bitter roots by CJ Carmichael Loved this so much, echos of Peyton Place, family secrets small town. 
I gave this 5 stars because I was gripped by the plot and writing I loved the characters with all their flaws, I've bought the next in the series I can feel a binge coming on!
Wilderness rescue, Stormy hearts by Harmony Noble ok I'll confess this is not my usual fare ... written by a relative, I'll leave it at that.
Christmas corpse by Katie Forrest (Mona Marple) Just a lovely charming story. Well written moves along nicely it's not a huge surprise who the culprit is but that's OK this is warm and  engaging and a great read at Christmas time
Voices of the dead, by Ambrose Parry
I did eventually enjoy this, but I wasn't keen on the female narrator,  particularly when she dud an American accent but the plot was good enough to keep me engaged quite twisty and turny but in a good way.  I dud take to the characters and care about them, historically interesting too, a vivid slice of life in Victorian Edinburgh 
Wintering by Katherine May
I'm giving this 4 stars because this book really spoke to me at a time when I'm wintering myself 
I've seen other reviews where readers commented about the immense privilege the author has in being able to do some of the things discussed, give up her job etc. I can see this and yes there is considerable privilege there but I don't agree that this makes it a "bad" book. The underlying message about the need to accept these periods when they come into our lives us still valid I feel. If we accepted the necessity of this then perhaps as a society we could help and support those who do nit have the privilege of the author 
I feel the message is less about "do it this way" and more about changing our mindsets to accept that these periods come into all of our lives and society as a whole need to be more accepting and supportive of this
Mysterious affair at Styles
This is the recent Audible original with Peter Dinklage as Poirot and Himish Patel as Hastings, I would love to see them do more of these, both actors were superb in their roles and I'm very picky about who plays Poirot!
Cracking and faithful adaptation great atmospheric music great ensemble cast, can't praise enough
Midwinter murder
Not the best Agatha Christie short story compendium but still readable. Personally I'm not as fond if the non Poirot or Marple stories but there are enough of them in here to keep me happy
The Performance by Alish Sinclair
What a fabulous short story, a prelude to the Castle Dancers series which is due January 2025 intriguing story line, I've had some of this authors books for ages but never got round to them, this is well written with interesting young heroine. Look forward to reading some more of these five 🌟 for this!
Bunburry A difficult position by Helena Marchmont 
I just love this series and have been saving this up to be my last read of 2024 what I love is that although inqould class this as cozy its not too cozy, it still tackles serious issues, racism, death etc but within the traditional cozy format another 5 🌟 finish and a great way to end 2024 😊

Monday, 30 December 2024

December look back

So December you were a mixed bag weren't you! The vaccine knocked me back a lot so we recover from that, my Uncle John passed so we recove from that, I would love a period of time where I'm not knocked back tbh but here we are, some pictures to remind me it's not all grim

Selkies still sending their cards 😊
Long covid - left, chemo curls - right to remind me that this too will pass in some shape or form
I used this as my December monthly marker, picture on left of current from my weekly chilly challenge with my swimming group they allow me to join in with my cold showers 😊 picture on the right is from November 2012 I was recovering from 6 months chemo for stage 4 hodgkins lymphoma and my hair grew back curly, my hair is shaved now to save energy washing, who knew hair would play such a role in chronic illness?
Not going to lie October and November have been awful, I keep getting knocked back, UTI, broken tooth, vaccine kicking me at the moment I'm 99% upstairs because going downstairs is too much for me, my physio assures me this will get better and I need time and patience. 
Long covid was always my worst fear of contracting covid and now it's here, well just got to get on with it i think? Nothing else I can do
There have been some good things come out of this, scoobs is now convinced we need to move, he was always adamant that we stay here for as long as possible while for me the house was becoming more difficult to clean and maintain, he now sees me trapped up here and understands why we have to move, a nice little bungalow would be amazing! We have a plan, in 3 years mortgage will be paid off and we will sell this house then start looking for another we are already looking at trimming down our stuff, I'm pretty good at doing that but we can.alwqys do more 😊 I'm relieved and excited. Sad to leave this house we have had so many happy memories here but far better move before we are forced too

Awww this is my Christmas present to my great nephew it's in Doric our local dialect up north, a foggy bummer
Wee Adam one of the sons of my selkie group drew his for me 😊
M laest snack of choice after I broke a tooth on my last snack!

Love the selkie cards 🤣🤣
My Uncle John 💔
Wreath from lovely Kim and Jo ❤️

Still in the chilly challenge!

This is so lovely! Beautiful book from Michelle in the selkies ❤️

I git a Donkey fir Christmas 😊 his name is cookie 🥰
So December ends with a fractured friendship.. sad but that's life, if chums can't accept boundaries (no you can't give my husband helpful tips, behind my back without asking, on how he helps me manage my energy 🤦‍♀️) ffs and no its not acceptable to ask him for intimate details of my health either ...
But it helped, I politely but firmly pushed back, stood my ground. It helped me feel more in control and reminded me of just how kick ass I can be 💃🧜‍♀️

December furtle

Well it's safe to say there has been no Crafting but that's OK there will be at some point 😊 in the meantime I have ordered and received both the 2023 and 2024 kits from A curly life for their advent felt ornaments,  both beautifully packaged. I figured that these are small relatively quick to make (although I know I'll have to take longer!) But it will hopefully give me something achievable to make in 2025 🤞

How hysterical is this! A kilted link sausage as a chum for Mhari mouse! Chums are so kind
And my Wreath!!!! Made by chums I normally go to Wreath making class with, such a wonderful kind and thoughtful gesture I love it

End of year fettle!

So not a huge amount done in the second half of 2024 but hey long covid! I've changed around list so that cross stitch and embroidery are listed first, these will hopefully be more achievable as I recover.

Ticked off in 2nd half 2024
Get Stitch Done - f**k Rose stitch (somehow got missed off added back in July 24)
Get stitch done Oval f**k
Trees from Victoria Sampler

Ticked off in 1st half of 2024
Carina mandala
Marbling fabric
Selvedge quilt
Scrap quilt strip
Warm hearted penguin
Lolli and Grace mandala
Drawstring bag for Lynn's foot peddle
Emmaline bagsx2 for Shonas fundraiser
Emmaline bag for Cath
2x Hemminway pouches for japan
Cori Dantini panel quilt
Bubbles in speckled fabric
Gifted Charm pack quilt
1/8 Charm pack quilts
Mermaid pouch for Lynnes 50th
Renovate sewing room
Cover for rocking chair seat pads
Spare bobble hat for me removed June 2024 no longer needed

I've also added in themes such as christmas/seasonal I can add more if I think of them 😊

The list, in some sort of order 😊 - Updated December 2024

Non quilting crafts - In progress
Temperature embroideries 2023 + 2024
Emotions wheel of the year for 2024
Tea cup cross stitch
Woodland embroidery 
Non quilting crafts -waiting list
Floral Alphabet sampler
Phenology Wheel - use flower patterns from Stitchdoodles
Non quilting crafts - Waiting list
2x Michael Powell bookmarks
Lion embroidery
Racoon embroidery 
Planet embroidery 
Moon embroidery  
Sashiko from Kyoto
Sea cross stitch kit from Jan
Christmas stitching
Curly life felt advent ornaments 2023 & 2024
Historical Sampler advent
Christmas tree Sashiko
Michael Powell snowy chapel X stitch
Michael Powell snowy street X stitch
Seasonal stitching
Bat and ghost felt ornaments 
Halloween mandala
Autumn fox
Four seasons By Nitka

Quilting projects
Moda Blockheads done in donated fabric 
Scrap quilt drunkards path
Sisters quilt 
Block holders to take to classes
Sew Alongs 2024 Weekly Monthly Other
In the meadow by quiet play in speckled, January-June
Repro quilter scrappy nine patch
The waiting list
Applique quilt - Threadneedle street
7 charm pack Quilts
Oval drunkards path blocks with Vintage table cloths
Janet Clare minincharm pack Quilts
8 sea parrot Quilts (may combine some)
Vintage flower sampler quilt
Tilda quilt
Birds and baskets quilt in AMH echinacea
Sweet William quilt?
Tula butterfly in capel and castaway or using left over speckled?
Medallion quilt in liberty big prints
Orphan block quilts?
Jen Kingwell Bakers dozen, Blockheads or pluses quilt in Lucy Engles bundles?
Tamara Kate beetle pattern

Friday, 27 December 2024

Mispent youth

I've been gathering pictures which sum up a lot of my misspent youth 😊 pubs etc in the Broch, below is the Alexndra Hotel where I worked in the summer as a student, I used to work in a small bar upstairs called Jeans bar, iwould serve drinks and takes orders for and serve lunches, at the weekends I would work in the main function bar with my sister serving at weddings, man they were full on. It was hard work but I have fond memories of it, it was knocked down decades ago sadly, lovely building 

Balaclava omg loved this bar, there was always a singer, Billie she played a keyboard and sang remember her belting out "River deep mountain high " 🥰
Ahhh no sign but this is "The Oak upstairs" we sometimes went into oak downstairs but preferred upstairs, I remember walking into it, dark gloomy bar at the end but nobody could see you were underage 🤣🤣
The crown bar 😊 tucked away up a side street, great view over the harbour, no ladies toilets in the bar but you got a man o check if I was empty then guard the door for you 🤣🤣 they do great camp coffee with rum
The ship Inn this was our main haunt so many tears she'd in the loos loads of dancing drinking just kids having fun 😊


Monday, 16 December 2024

Uncle John

 My uncle John passed away December 14th 2024, he was 93. The photo below was taken when he visited from Canada in the late 90s
I loved my uncle John, he was a father figure I never had.
I was up at my mams last year and he phoned, he didn't say much but he said "I love you Sheila" I said "I love you too" can't ask for better than that

Below is my mam and Uncle John
Uncle John and his grandfather