
Wednesday 7 August 2024

FOQ 2024

People are so kind and I'm so lucky to have such great chums. I had to miss this years FOQ because I was still completely floored by covid and I mean completely wiped out. But some wonderful chums old and new made sure I didnt feel too left out. Carolyn so kindly offered to get a picture for me
The green and pink one is mine made from Lucy Engles fabric and a 70s shirt Scoobs worse in the pandemic. Below is the full quilt
Not only did Carolyn take these pictures but she made sure I got a sticker and she bought be a badge too! How sweet and generous 
I was super gutted not to go because chum Sheena had a booth because of her Diploma course. Ruth and I were going to help her set up, lots of planning zooms! But sadly that was not to be for me, but Sheena had  great time and her booth looked brilliant 

But Ruth and Sheena made sure I didn't feel left out and sent on this care package 🥰 lots of things I love but most of all I love my chums and am so grateful for them 

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