
Monday 1 July 2024

Versailles June 2024

 Versailles 💗 I have wanted to come here ever since I read the Jean Plaidy Sun King trilogy as a teenager, so I chose this as my birthday celebration for my 60th. We pootled off on the thursday, a nice and easy flight from Glasgow, train from CDG to Paris then change at Notre Dame to get to Versailles. Turns out our lovely Air BNB was 10 mins from the train station

First evening we went to restaurant next door for dinner then chilled back home with wine and snax 😊
This was my meal at the restaurant, squid and polenta, very nice, you can just see Scoobs mash in the background also very nice!
A man intently studying his mash 😂
Monets Gardens was out first stop on the friday as it did involve a fair bit of travel, a bit more than we bargained for as it turns out because one of our trains just vanished from the board when it was 2 mins away! We eventually just threw money at it and got a taxi from the connecting train station
Below was on the way to the gardens, all so pretty

The gardens were very very busy, but it was OK thats to be expected and oh my it was worth it

The Lily ponds were just stunning, so gald I got to see these at their best

Love seeing the world with this gorgeous man

The house really suprised me! I hadnt realised it would be part of the experience it was gorgeous

This was my favourite room I think

There is an impressionist museum a few minutes up the road from the gardens, so we went there after. A lovely exhibition on "Impressionism and the Sea" Many artists I hadnt come across. Really enjoyed this.

When we were not eating out we made meals from the super market, right next to the super market was this cheese shop, OMG I never got a chance to buy any cheese from here and to be honest I am not sure my tummy could have coped ... but they were so beautiful

We went to another lovely restaurant - Azuli where I had a beautiful Mojito, best i have had
My meal was also amazing, lovely pork and candied Aubergine with capers, amazing and delicious.
The following morning we found a lovely cafe and I had a fantastic flat white
This was a trompe l'oile electrical box, how pretty
Had to have a look at the gates on my wee wander, we were heading there the next day
But first some wine 😂
The next day was when I started to feel really bad but still managed to get to see the Palace, OMG the queues!

Some beautiful sculptures, but to be honest the whole place was very very overwhelming and thats not just because I was feeling ill. I am so glad I went but I can totally see why they had a revolution, so much excess

Ah this was better, the gardens were quite formal but still a breath of fresh air after the interior

The fountains were my favourite

On the wee train which takes you up to the Grand Trianon

I was so chuffed there was an exhibition on of embroidered silks from Napoleons time, this was its last day

The rooms in the Petite Trianon were a bit less excessive which was nice

Thr grounds were very pretty, I did like it here a lot more
This fountain was incredible, one of my favourites

And so this was the final day in Versailles! I knew I was coming down with something but really wasnt expecting this, it was both a shock and a relief, I knew I had to get it at some point, and this was not the worst place to get it
I dont want to finishe with that though, so let have a montage of Monets Gardens and the fountains at Versailles

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