
Tuesday 14 May 2024

Skye 2024 lots of dooking


So this is me having  a pineapple daiquiri in our cute wee cottage in Skye,  I'm quite addicted to these from Marks and Spencer! Not every holiday is amazing and wonderful but when I look back on this in years to come I know I'll remember only the good bits, so lets round them up!
Stunning scenery,  cottage was nice. Not amazing but nice, no WiFi though!!! I went through all my data 🤣

I was here chauffeuring Mark and his walking chum, in between I managed quite a few dips, first one was Loch Shenta the healing pool. Very difficult to find but we'll worth it when I did. It's supposed to be very cold as it's fed by a natural spring, it was a baking hot day so it felt quite OK temperature wise to me.

Crystal clear

Next up was Coral beach Plockton, I had tried for a dip outside Broadford but there was a bull in a field so I gave it a miss! I was very close so just carried on to Plockton. 
I only got this picture of the beach I think my camera was over heating so I couldn't get any more, lovely beach , a bit of a tricky track down but do able, the water was lovely. Below is me heading back on the track up.

Loch Shenta below

I went home to some very tame lambs outside our door!
Up early the next morning I had tried to get to Coral Beach Dunvegan the night before but the car park was rammed so up early the next day it was!

Car park was nice and empty,  track down to beach was nice

After about 15 minutes I came to the Coral beach how beautiful!
Because of circumstances I only got a very quick dip but boy was it worth it!

As I said circumstances had changed, I was going to sew some Dear Jane blocks but couldn't use sewing machine thankfully I had taken some hand sewing in the form of this felt penguin. He is not my best work but he is cute,  he is named Plocky he is guarding some gin I bought from the misty bottle the gin shop just outside Broadford 
Next morning I wanted a proper dip down Dunvegan beach so went back again 

Completely on my own this time, beautiful so gorgeous 
Even risked my camera in the water!

Bye bye Skye, I did enjoy my dips here

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