
Wednesday 1 June 2022

May furtle

 Well! Here we are, a day late but its been a bit of a month. Mostly good though but still full on, so what’s been happening crafty wise in may?

Well i had not one but two weekends in Gartmore! It was two years in the waiting but well worth the wait. This was a quilt i was working on at the last time we went to Gartmore in January 2020! Wow, so I had to show the others that i had finished it!

There was sewing (and Malbec!)
Oh yes i also finished my Garden Trellis quilt! Yea! Wonderfully long armed by Cath Cumbrian Long armer.
I have been slowly plugging away at my In the garden blocks from Quiet Play block of the month. Loving these ones.
This i made at the first Gartmore of the month, i am making the Discovery Quilt from Jenni Smith “quilting with Liberty” book. This is the center block, watch this space!
Oh yes there will be more in this space from now on, because the first Gartmore retreat was to celebrate this impending event 😊

Yup, as of 30th August there will be plenty more time for furtling!


  1. Just imagine how much sewing you’ll get come September! Thanks for Furtling!

  2. Cannae wait! And I won't be late furtling again !

  3. What a fun month! Well done. Can't wait to see more of the Discovery Quilt.
