
Friday 31 December 2021

Final furtle of 2021!

 Well December what did you bring?  It brought reindeer cushions 🥰 i love these, the one on the left i made years ago, i made the one on the right for a chum this year. Used up the last of my special reindeer fabric.

We are almost there with the spiders web temperature embroidery! I have been managing to keep up and this was the progress as of end of November, i have most of Decembers done, and am determined to finish bang on midnight on the 31st! This has been a wonderful project to keep me mindful and distracted from worry.
Awwww happiest of happy memories! We went to a wreath making class at a local deli/outdoor shop the smiddy. Such a happy happy day, we had breakfast then spent the morning making wreaths, i love these ladies.
And here is my finished article on my front entrance.

 We had a challenge for the GMQG which was curves and green, this was my offering

 I went into my usual ‘end of the year must finish all the things’ berserker rage 😂 i made 5 quilts!!!! I was only going for 4 but there were enough hsts left over from the 4th and i had enough panda backing fabric too make a teeny one for Linus! My lovely chum Kim gave me a layer cake to use and i got 3 quilts out of it, so chuffed! 

I also used the time in the sewing room over the break to put together some quilts which had been nagging me for a while! Below is a quilt made with lovely blocks from the Gartmore chums, we were supposed to be going in January, a get together held over from 2020 … but omicron put paid to that …. Anyhow our quilt will at least go to siblings together which is good.

Talking of siblings this is the quilt made from the block I chose this year, I chose green and blues, it turned out really well, a free pattern ‘Bon Bon’ from the fat quarter shop
Finally a cross stitch finish! This was a year long free stitch along from linen and threads shop, what a great pattern, we all got to choose our own colours, the theme was talavera.

And thats it, my last furtle of 2021! Thanks as eve to Archie for hosting, next year I should have even more time to make things  ðŸ˜‰ so watch this space!


  1. Wow, what a lot of projects finished!!! Loved watching your finishes roll out on IG. Great job. So wonderful to see everything.

  2. Talk about finishing the year with a flourish! Bravo! And hooray for finishes *waves pompoms* Thanks for Furtling xx

    1. Thank you! I love furtling 😊❤️
