
Saturday 30 November 2019

November's furtle!

im trying to do this from a travel lodge in Harrogate! This could all go very wrong 😂😂 so November what's been happening? Well this fir a start. My cogs and thistles quilt started at a Pappersaxsten, Jenny Haynes class, it needed to get done.
and it did! Little bit of fudging but we got there, my lovely chum Sheena is having a quilt drive for the charity she works for. This will go there.
Carry4on in the pappersaxsten vein is my version of her spruced up pattern
cute huh!
Wot else?? Oh yes a couple of zip up trays... I do love this pattern so much but ay yay yay sewing on the binding... But they are pretty
so I'm down in Harrogate for the knitting and stitching show, really enjoying it, shortly heading off for food with the lovely Ruth and Sheena!
I'll finish off with todays flat white at Betty's tearooms 


  1. Lovely makes this month, well done

  2. What a productive month and with a trip to Betty's to boot! I love the cogs quilt (is it just me who sees a long nose like that chap (Kilroy?) who peers over walls?) and, of course the panda socks! Thanks for furtling!

    1. Why thank you 😊 and yes it was Kilroy!
