
Thursday 31 October 2019

October furtle

Well I couldnt forget to furtle could i!!! especially as its for the sooper luffly Mini Archie. So what have i been doing this month apart from having a wee melt down!! just kidding, I am feeling better and things are on the mend, slow but sure. So have i been doing anything fun??? well yes i have! hows about this for a stonking start on the My small world?? 90% left overs of Lucy Engles fabric from my OMCOC quilt, pretty and bright huh?
This is an embroidery for the Jo Avery Vintage home BOM  from todays quilter, I quite enjoyed getting back to embroidery again, although my ddugy eyesight (cataract developing in left eye it appears) means its a bit "improv" (skew whiff ...)
 I went to a lovely talk with the lovely Nicholas Ball, and i had gin and chips with the lovely Sheena and Ruth.
 "NOT MY WORK" :-) details of the bodice from a dress from the Romanov exhibition at the Queens Gallery
 My book nerd quilt top, slowly getting there, but i do love the ability to showcase big prints with this one.
 Lord I will still be working away on this when i retire ..... but its "ongoing"
 Ditto this X stitch but I can see progress
 Scoobs doing what he does best, holding quilts!!!

finally,  a wonderful new felty pal, he now resides on my desk at work to remind me of what is important - my lovely chums who i am so so lucky to have :-) thank you Mini Archie, you are rather wonderful xx


  1. I think I can see progress on the red knitting - it definitely looks longer! And I love your (hiya hiya, I assume) panda needle stopper things! Your small world quilt is going to be fantastic - I'm already looking forward to seeing what you add this month!
    I am so glad panda card and New Chum have arrived safely and you like them - we love you xx

    Thanks for Furtling and spreading the word so wonderfully xx

    1. Thank you! The red knitting is a bit of a slog but I'm persevering! The panda needle stoppers are great aren't they! Thanks for hosting the furtle xx

  2. Your Small World will be Ah-mazing with all those colours, and improv embroidery is A Thing, so brava! xx

    1. Thank you! I'm just loving the small world it's a great pattern xx

  3. I love seeing what others are working on. What are you knitting? Pretty!
    And your quilt is beautiful.

    1. Why thank you! The knitting is a shawl, the tresna shawl by ysolda

  4. Lovely projects in progress. So much fun. Great to see progress. Looking forward to the next Furtle.

    1. Thank you, it's a great way to round up the month!
