
Saturday 2 February 2019

January Furtle

Lots of talk on IG about blogging and how IG is great but too fast keeping up etc. so totally stoked when Mini Archie suggested reviving @Lilysquilts fresh sewing day.
So Mini Archies furtle around the blogosphere was born!
yee ha say I, Ive never stopped blogging, blogging has been a necessary part of keeping sane, keeping a record of happy times, a reminder to come back to when in need of a swift kick up the mental bahoukie :-)
So January what you brought me crafty wise then?????

First thing was the finish along, my Q1 list. I love the finish along, not only does it keep me on track with my projects and gives me a focus but you can also win prizes!!! ive won a few, a 6 month subscription to Make Moderne magazine, plus several patterrns, my latest win was two patterns from Blossom heart quilts, one of which i will make straight away for the Alice Caroline liberty SOS. Best thing is its a random draw so you are not competing as such, lovely.
Ive highlighted two of my proposed finishes above. Dear Lord i have way too much liberty, its shameful, honestly it is!!! it needs to get used so two Alice Caroline SOS quilts this year i think.
plus i need to use up my Lucy Engels fabric, its way too stunning to stay in a box.
I learned (or relearned!!) knitting!

Last year i bought the world most expensive ball of wool (dont ask i was on a high after getting new job!) so i thought i had better re learn to knit!!!! i used to knit a lot when younger but fell out of it, so now after a lovely afternoon knitting in the ginger twist workshop with the lovely Sheena (@auburnstitches) 
I now know how to use circular needles! go me! my shoulder is not too great at the moment so progress is slow but thats ok.
Gartmore, no January is complete without a retreat to Gartmore. We have been doing this three years now. Just a lovely group of chums, some of us only see each other at this retreat. I wont go into it too much as i have written a fuller blog post about it, but here we are a group of quilty friends.

Have you been following the #amakershands tag on IG? very powerful.
I got cracking on with several projects at Gartmore, starting my tea for two (on acid) BOM by Jo Avery for Todays Quilter, I saed it up because i wanted to see the whole thing before deciding on the colour scheme ..... bit too dull???? 😂😂😂

Ach as my good chum Irene says it wouldnt be me if it werent wild :-)
I am determined to finish this one too, I call it Neptune and the maiden, but i supposed it should be 
I also did my first popcorn pouch! so sooper easy to make, I see many more in my future.
I also made two Emmaline retreat bags, such a great pattern and such a useful bag, it came in very handy at Gartmore.

I need to figure out how to make this monthly post different so its not just a rehash of all the other monthly posts, but thats good, it give focus and direction, happy furtling.
Righty how, thats enough of a furtle for this morning! have a lovely weekend all!
Please have a wee furtle yourself :-)
Archie The Wonder Dog


  1. I am totally thrilled to be furtling! It's such a wonderful idea (thank you mini Archie) because I really miss blogs. Instagram is great fun, but it's a quick hello and a wave in the street, whereas reading a blog is stopping for a chat and maybe retiring to a tea shop for a good natter!! Lovely to meet you, Sheila :-)

    1. What a great way of putting it - that's exactly the difference!!

    2. It's a fab way of putting it 😁

    3. And lovely to meet you too Nicola 😁 looking forward to getting to know you

  2. What a productive (and colourful!) month you've had! I can honestly say I love everything in this post apart from the poorly shoulder. Have you tried propping that arm up with cushions when you're knitting, to give it a bit of support? I find that can make quite a difference to mine, but, of course, I don't have the same problem so perhaps it won't work for you. Okay, I'm prattling now! Thank you very much for linking up and spreading the word about furtling!! *waves pompoms*

    1. Oh Man I didn't know we got a pom pom wave as well! could furtling get any better :-)

  3. You have been very productive in january--may it continue for you! Brava on getting back into knitting, and I hear you on the shoulder aches. I remind myself to relax my shoulders regularly as soon as I'm aware of my shoulder climbing up to my ears!
    I have seen many of the makershands on IG, and yes, I'm all in favour of hacking such expectations in the fork 'til it's singing soprano!!
    This is Hazel, btw, from Wordpress. *waves*

    1. Hello Hazel! thank you so much for stopping by. Im loving the knitting just really need to get shoulder sorted, im finding rolling a tennis ball up and down it helps!

  4. You've been busy! Your acid-i-tea quilt will be just perfect for a wild one ;-)

    1. Thank you! its not shy and retiring that's for sure!

  5. You've been busy! Your acid-i-tea quilt will be just perfect for a wild one ;-)

    1. Why thank you! I love acid i tea 😂😂😂 perfect thank you

  6. Argh! Your tea for two (on acid) blocks are amazing! Definitely not too dull in my book.

  7. Ah, so there you are!!!! This whole world of blogging is completely new to me but is already such fun! Good old MA!!!! Loved your post, my lovely and I've been wondering how the knitting was going. See you soon xx

    1. Hullo gorgeous! Now I just need to see you in real life not just on line 😊
