
Thursday 30 March 2017

Greek cross, final finish for FAL Q1 !

My very patient and rather lovely husband Mark (known affectionately as Scoobs because he does a great Scooby Doo impersonation) is displaying my final finish for Q 1 of the 2017 FAL, this is my Greek Cross quilt from the FALQ1 list 

 I am in a lovely bee for siblings together and December was my month, I have this idea of doing a quilt to commemorate ever holiday I go on. I have wanted one to remember my trip to Athens a few years ago. I will never forget going up to the Acropolis on a beautiful sunny day and see it in all its splendour. 

What really struck me was the gorgeous blue sky and the creamy marble. It was a mental hop skip and jump to putting together a Greek cross block in creams and blues.
Here are mine:

The lovely ladies from my bee and some other IG chums who weren't sent me a ton of blocks to put together.

Which gave me more than enough for one, so I might have to add a second one to my Q2 list!!


  1. Oh blue skies and sun warmed marble .... Very good colour choices for such a great ST quilt. Well done you and the bee members. On behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts, thank you for participating in this quarter's FAL. (Hope you get another one of these lovelies stitched up next quarter.)

    1. Thank you! Am adding second one to Q2 list 😊

  2. What great inspiration for your quilt. I love the story and the blues. Your Greek Cross pattern is perfect for the Acropolis.
