
Sunday 27 November 2016

Cushioning along

I love an "along" I'm a sucker for them, so when the lovely Helen and Lynz amongst others started a Christmas cushion along I couldn't help myself, besides, there were some panda snowmen who needed to see the light of day. First up were these fussy cut blocks, so easy to whip up a couple of cushion covers.
These will go to my sister.
Next up, well I really really wanted to do something with my panda snowmen fabric but wasn't sure how to highlight them to their best.
Hmmmmm, thinking cap on!
Whoah yes, inspiration struck! Cathedral Windows, perfect!

I did forget how much ouchy ouchy finger burny ironing was involved .... Muchos sweary words later ...
I needed to find the perfect button to hide my shoddy joins, skiing snowmen! Fab.

I love it!! Thank you Helen and Lynz for a fab "along"


  1. It's been brilliant to have you alonging with us and your cushions are magnificent!

    1. I had a blast, and your penguins! And polar bears are magnificent!
