
Thursday 5 May 2016

Another finish!!

And I remembered to take a pic this time!! :-) it was the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt for 2016. Alietare, how could I not do this one it was inspired by Florence!! So this is the second ticked off the Q2 list
I blogged about it here.
One of our staff is a foster mother, she asked me if I had any quilts for some distressed children she was fostering, well of course I do!
I rushed this plus one other into work for her and managed to get a picture in our archive before handing it over.

Yeah scan see the archive boxes in this pic! So tick tick tick off my Q 2 list


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I love Bonnie Hunter and have wanted to do a mystery quilt for ages

  2. Thank you, am glad it's gone to a good home

  3. What a beauty I'm sure it will be much loved. Congratulations on the finish and thank you for linking up with the 2016 FAL on behalf of all your hosts

    1. Thank you, and a big thanks to the hosts for the finish along and all the work you do with it

  4. I am intrigued by the pattern and colors - makes me think of the Queen of Hearts for some reason.

    1. Thank you, I can see why you would think that, it does look a bit like playing cards
