
Meter square

So! I'm not going anywhere for a while so Scoobs did this for me
It's my very own meter square of unmown grass πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
I sat out and just looked at it, the daisy middle left look at the different colours on the leaves
Raindrops or dew on the grassπŸ’•
I love my meter square almost as much as my scoobs πŸ₯°
July 2024
Raining today but squeezed in a few mins
Beautiful and fresh today 

I can still see meter square from Balcony! It's a pretty nice day and I feel OK ish so will head out later
It looks even better close up 😊

So I got this whatsapped to me this morning 🀣 a visitor to the meter square ❤️
August 2024 Weather's has been awful but I managed a wee sit out today 😊

Sunday 18th august

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