
Monday 31 July 2023

July furtle

 So July .... could it have been any wetter??? But on the upside that means more sewing time!

Most of June was taken up with finishing lion quilt! That's all done and waiting to go to new owner in August. 
Then July was mostly taken up quilting and binding 8 quilts for Siblings together.  I'm hopeful of getting some pictures before they go off but seriously the weather here is horrible!

Once they were done I cracked on with the Riley Blake BOM, I loved making this but lion and Siblings quilts held it up.
I was hoping it would be finished in time for FOQ and it was! See picture at end 😊
I really need to crack on with Quiet Play bom too, it's lovely but oh the teeny teeny fpp piecing..... I'm picking away at it though 
A very dear chum came to visit for the first time since 2019 😊 blimey we used to catch up at least two or three times each year, but we are back on track now! My chum learned Zentangle during lockdown and gave me some lessons, I think i need a lot more practice but it was good fun.
We also made a pencil pouch with elastic straps to go round  notebooks. My chum wanted one for her zentangle pens. I made 18 of them for our local food bank to use in their summer activities. I was running out of elastic but hit on the idea of pleating mask elastic and using that, worked a treat!
Blossom Jane continues I'm now working on the center row 😳 this might actually get finished sometime!
And yes! We have 2 finishes 🤣 courtesy of the wet Scottish weather! I've been stuck indoors so putting myself to good use. I'll blog properly about these once I get proper pictures but I'm calling these a July finish 😊
This is my Siblings quilt with blocks from my Siblings group, loved making this one.
And that's a wrap for July! Linking up with Archie the Wonder dogs Furtle 😊

July cinema

Well life got a bit busy and I got out of the way of watching films on my own.
But I came back and had a lovely Disney binge!

I do love a cartoon and retirement gives me the chance to catch up on lots I haven't seen, this one wad new to me but I loved it, great story strong female characters, great stuff. 

This is an oldie, while i dont think its up with the best it was still a good watch.

The original Snow piercer film. I loved the series so wanted so see the film it was based on. Fantastic film, a hard watch at times but brilliantly done.

Oh this one was a cracker! Loved it, apparently Disney got flack for having a guy character 🙄 seriously  what century are we in ...

Another oldie, absolutely adored it!

I felt like some Alien/Terminator type film and this fitted the bill, well done good story clipped along nicely. 

It's nice to get back into the film groove, I missed it.

Sunday 30 July 2023

Visit to Tors Garden open day

 I forgot to post about this! I must admit to becoming a bit obsessive about recording things. Looking back on this blog was one of the main things which kept me going through the pandemic, I want to keep that going. The Tors garden is a private Victorian Garden in Falkirk every year the owners open it up to raise funds for a local charity. This was our first year going. What a super space! 

I had sunflower envy!


Chinese peeling bark tree