
Saturday 31 July 2021

July furtle

Well!! I have lots of time to make up for! I lost at least 6 weeks of crafting getting my bionic eyes done! So what’s July brought? Apart from lots of sunshine which is lovely. 
You can see the temperature changes in my spiders web temperature embroidery. We are getting more yellows now.
I motored on  with some more blossom Jane blocks. I do need to get a wiggle on with these.

Much to budthepuppy displeasure I bust out the liberty for the kelsal with Jenny Haynes and Lucy Engles. Loved making this at a fun online class.
Someone was NOT happy I was using capel 😂😂
Love this print, no idea what it is.

I got sooooo confident with my eyes I started EPP again!

I went teeny teeny 😂
I made two of the kels blocks and this will be a perfect size for an Alice Caroline sos quilt.
You saw it here first!! I finished my first floral big cat!! Half of the papers are out will do the rest tomorrow.
I had a fun time doing a virtual show and tell for. FOQ, I wont lie it’s been hard not going but it was the right thing to do.
Here is day three haul. Will do a full post on it.

And that’s a wrap a pretty productive July I think!!


Friday 30 July 2021

Floral big cats - Panther!

 This is my very first Floral big cat! there is a series of 9 not all published yet but i do intend to do all nine. I adore this one, the panther is goregous, using V and Co Ombre confetti for all the backgrounds.

Donks have a haircut!

 Awww my chums have had a haircut!! Looooooook how cute. I was driving along to go and pick up my new reading glasses and I saw they were out so stopped to have a chat, they came running up to see me 😊 I love these chums.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

First visit to the Broch 2021

 ANNNNNND Budsmam has landed, mighty north east wifie has returned to the home land. A combination of lock down then cataract surgery meant this was my first chance to come home this year. Awww but what an affa rare visit it was. I paddled I caught up with my sister and niece, ok it was weird we sat outside but it was still good. This is 2021!

Just how stunning is this beach??

Always be my favourite place on earth.

There was paddling

Still out since Christmas 😂
Ickle budsmam!

I do love piggy
I have a sneaky suspicion this may be my Christmas present ….
Neil Oliver!!!! F**k right off! And i have no authority over remote either …
I took up some teeny hexies to work on, took my sue and boo basket with liberty scraps.
And my love Natalie pin cushion.

I also visited St Combes beach, haven’t been there in decades it so lovely too.

Love a graveyard

 I love visiting graveyards, none more so than my home cemetery at Kirkton. Some beautiful monumentary architecture here. Such peace too. When I was young, women didn’t go to the graveside at funerals. It wasn’t thought proper. I never saw the logic. My sister and I helped carry my Grandmothers coffin to the plot, I was early thirties then, this was frowned upon but we were able to do it. Nowadays it’s normal.
I love this place with the seagulls cackling around us.

This one caught my eye as it has some beautiful lichen growing on it. The yellow stands out against the black granite.

This is so simple, among all the grandeur of many of the monuments this one caught my eye the most I think. A simple cross, so touching.

Of course some hit home very hard, our lovely skipper Mark, too soon ma loon, too soon, we miss you.

The older section of kirkton fascinates me. There is this slight mound a hill with a bench on top. I love coming up here and surveying the whole graveyard in one go.

Then there is the “really” old part many stones worn away but many still readable.